Next week marks the anniversary of the death of mass-murderer Che Guevara. Many of us have had more than our share of run-ins with ignorant hipsters sporting t-shirts and messenger bags with the idealized image of the "revolutionary poster boy." Like most Cubans, I'm not shy about offering the truth of who Che was and why their ...
Archives for September 2010
Hot! Hot! Hot! (a mini-rant)
On Monday, the 27th of September, we here in Southern California experienced the gosh-darndest Hottest Stinking Day of the Year. This is the thermometer (excuse me, Comfortmeter) in our backyard.For those of you who are impaired when it comes to reading old-school-liquid-filled thermometers, the red liquid (possibly alcohol or mercury; both ...
Mooove it!
One of Lucy's creative writing classes involves creating a literary magazine. In fact, I think the name of the class is actually "Literary Magazine" or Lit Mag for short. (<--That's cool & hip student jargon in case you were wondering.) The title of this fledgling Lit Mag is The Invisible Cow.* [*The Invisible Cow refers ...
Home Alone
For years now, Eric and I have been home. He works here at home. I have been homeschooling for years. Our house is always full of noisy, happy, busy people. Whether they are our own kids or their friends, we've always had a full house. But now, Adam is gone. And Amy, who has spent the summer here with us, is leaving, too. Lucy and ...
When is a Pitbull NOT a pitbull?
It seems that lately I've been getting invited to all kinds of "events"- apparently bloggers are the new press. Who knew? Iwas invited by a fellow Latina blogger, Ana Flores from Spanglish Baby (Thanks again, Ana!) to come to the launch of the new Victoria's Secret perfume called Bombshell. It turns out that one of ...
Of IPhones and Bracelets and Best Friends Forever
Every summer there's a ton of art festivals held here in nearby Laguna Beach. The Sawdust Festival is one of our favorites. My niece, Natalie, actually works there and gets us in for free. (Win!) So, last year I found this beautiful silver bracelet that I fell in love with and so I bought it. Mine has white fresh-water pearls and ...
Hispanic Heritage, Kevin Bacon and… oh, yes… A winner!
We are serious and competitive when it comes to playing games. We play a lot of card games. My mom (yes, the 96 year old) is the most cut-throat of the bunch. If she's playing, I usually offer to just serve snacks. (I know. Coward. Shut up.) Of course, we play the Kevin Bacon Game incessantly. (Note: It's much easier to play this if ...
Pumpkins and Games and Googly Eyes – Oh My! (A Giveaway)
Yep, I'm still writing about Betty Crocker. I warned you I had a lot to share! Again, I want to reiterate that spending those few days with a group of proactive, excited bloggers in the Betty Crocker Kitchens will definitely be one of the highlights of my life. Seriously. I think maybe because all of us got to just relax and play. You know how ...
Cookbook Giveaway – Winner!
I've decided that what I love best about doing a giveaway, besides actually giving cool stuff away (duh) is reading your stories. Those tidbits of your lives that you share with me in the comments is like gold. If you just leave a comment and run (thank you, for commenting!), that's fine. But if you have a moment, please go back and read ...
Chipper Chicken Recipe and a Giveaway
My mom taught us girls how to cook when we were very young. During the summers, when my sisters and I were out of school, she devised a rotating system of teaching us Homemaking, the Cuban Way. My older sisters were already married and gone, but the three of us younger ones, Miriam, Alina and myself still needed to be groomed to be Perfect Cuban ...