This post is sponsored by Al Punto Advertising. The opinions contained are all my own. I recently wrote all about how excited I was to be attending the Opening Night for the Emilio and Gloria Estefan Broadway Musical, "On Your Feet!" I mean, of course I had expectations going in because who doesn't love Gloria Estefan and her music? But the ...
I’m Loving It
As you probably know by now, my son Jonathan is an actor. He also works for Eric (day job), but he's been slowly and steadily building up his IMDb resume, and we're quite proud of what a hard worker he is. He gets auditions all the time. Gratefully, they're self-tapes, which means he is able to just send them in to casting when they ask. He's ...
May The 4th Be With You
It was May 1977 and I was turning 22 years old. I celebrated that birthday enjoying dinner with friends. After which we decided to go see a new film called Star Wars. Back then we knew nothing about the phenomenon it would turn out to be, of course. And, to be honest, the posters that advertised it looked a little hokey. You know the rest of the ...
Esta Es Tu Cuba
In November I had the distinct honor of viewing a wonderful film that had already won multiple awards including a Studet Academy Award. The title is Esta Es Tu Cuba and it's the very personal story of Director Brian Robau's father, who left Cuba as a Pedro Pan. That tragic and yet hopeful part of our history brought 14,408 unaccompanied Cuban ...
The Rhythm is Gonna Get You
This post is sponsored by my friends at Al Punto Advertising. The opinions contained in this piece are all my very own. At the end of 2015 I began to hear rumors of a new Broadway show. It was the story of Gloria and Emilio Estefan (with their music as the soundtrack, of course) and how they rose to fame. It was fittingly called 'On Your ...
Solo: A Star Wars Story Review
When I first heard that Solo: A Star Wars Story was being made, I wasn't quite sure how I felt about it. My first question was: Is this really a story that needs to be told? My son, Jon and I were discussing this very thing as we drove to the screening of the film - about an hour and a half away. (In California we measure distances by drive ...
The Solo: A Star Wars Story Junket Was Out of This World
A long ago, in a galaxy far, far away... When I first saw those words crawling across a screen back in May of 1977, I didn't realize that the film, Star Wars, would have such an impact on my life for years and years to come. That first viewing cemented my relationship with the characters, Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, Obi-wan, and Darth Vader. I would ...
Happy International Panda Day (who knew?)
{This post is in cooperation with IMAX and Warner Bros. Pictures. I was not compensated for this, although Warner Bros. sent me a cute little plush panda for Sebastian - thanks, WB! - but all the opinions stated here are my own.} It's International Panda Day, people! I never know about these things, do you? Years ago, my family visited the ...
5 Things I’m Loving Right Now
There are things I like and there are things I love. (I'm not talking about the obvious, like husband and kids and grandsons.) Right now there are a few things in my life that have I more than love. Truthfully, I'm a little obsessed with them. I know you'll appreciate these as much as I do, because you have excellent ...
L-love for L-loyd – The Lego Ninjago Movie on Blue-Ray & DVD
This post is in partnership with Warner Bros. Pictures I often say that I love living at this time in history for many reasons. One of my biggest loves is technology. Let me be more specific: I love that I have access to any and every movie on DVD and Blu-Ray. Today all that love goes to my friends at Warner Brothers Home ...