We are serious and competitive when it comes to playing games.
We play a lot of card games. My mom (yes, the 96 year old) is the most cut-throat of the bunch. If she's playing, I usually offer to just serve snacks. (I know. Coward. Shut up.)
Of course, we play the Kevin Bacon Game incessantly. (Note: It's much easier to play this if you have memorized large portions of the IMDB, but that's not important right now.)
The winner of the General Mills Yahtzee Game is……
Pastor Gene said…
experiencing a game-revival of sorts as grandparents. Candyland
tournaments are now routinely held in our dining room. Did you know
there was a Buzz Lightyear edition of the classic, Operation?
Congratulations, Gene!
Happily, Pastor Gene is an old and dear friend. Yes, he's the Train Report Guy!
Thanks to all of you for playing. (<–no pun intended.)
Now, in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, can you link the following people to Kevin Bacon in less than 6 steps?
- Jennifer Lopez
- Alfred Molina
- Cameron Diaz
- Antonio Banderas
Hi Marta 🙂 how about in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month you post one of those delicious Cuban recipes 😀 I really miss your Cuban food posts and recipes haven’t seen one in awhile. How about something you haven’t posted like a “Potaje” or some seafood dish if the weather is too hot, like “Escabeche” and stuff 🙂
Hi Marti, Been loving all the latest posts!As usual, I love playing the six degree game…
Here goes:
J. Lopez was in Enough with J. Lewis, who was in Cape Fear with R. DeNiro, who was in Sleepers with K. Bacon.
C. Diaz was in There’s Something About Mary with M. Dillon, who was in The Outsiders with T. Cruise, who was in A Few Good Men with K. Bacon.
A. Molina was in Spiderman 3 with K. Dunst, who was in Interview with a Vampire with T. Cruise, who was in A Few Good Men with K. Bacon.
A. Molina was in Raiders of the Lost Ark with H. Ford, who was in Air Force One with G. Oldman, who was in Sleepers with K. Bacon.
And finally…
A. Banderas was in Interview with a Vampire with T. Cruise, who was in A Few Good Men with K. Bacon.
We really should not be allowed to use A Few Good Men. 😉
Annie,As usual, you are the Goddess of All Things Bacon. (<–Hey, that works on multiple levels, but that's not important right now.)
My usual go-to is Tom Hanks in Apollo 13. =D
Thanks for playing!!
Hi Nathan,Thanks for missing my Cuban food.
Would it shock you to know that I’ve been cooking OTHER stuff lately?
I’ve been playing with making the perfect-tasting lasagna and a beautiful homemade marinara. And I even have a close-to-perfection Beef Bourguignon.
And because Marceleine’s (a bakery at Downtown Disney) stopped selling Snickerdoodles, I have been baking my own a lot lately.
As the weather cools off, I may certainly have to make a potaje or two.
In the meantime, I’ll just keep baking. It makes me happy. =D
Oh you need to share the lasagna, the marinara and the bourguignon. YOU. HAVE. TO.