One of Lucy's creative writing classes involves creating a literary magazine. In fact, I think the name of the class is actually "Literary Magazine" or Lit Mag for short. (<–That's cool & hip student jargon in case you were wondering.)
The title of this fledgling Lit Mag is The Invisible Cow.*
[*The Invisible Cow refers to cows that graze in the fields on the climb up to the Mauna Kea Observatories in Hawaii. It gets very foggy up there and the road is not lit at night. The cows in the surrounding pastures sometimes lay down on the warm pavement and BLAMMO! some unsuspecting driver invariably hits a poor cow, and then wonders, "Whoa! What did I just hit?"]
But that's not important right now.
Meanwhile back to the original story here; Lucy and The Invisible Cow Lit Mag.
To illustrate some of the articles, she was asking everyone she knew to draw a cow. Everyone she knew includes her parents.
One of Lucy's parents is analytical, realistic, and extremely literal.
The other parent is childlike, prone to silliness, and a bit whimsical.
So, today's question is: Which cow was drawn by Eric and which one was drawn by Marta?
(I know. Shut up.)
Michele Caridad says
the technical one is Marta….The funny one is Eric…this is a little nerve-wrecking…dont know if i’ll be insulting the funny one by saying they draw serious cows or vice versa…ya know!
Michele Caridad says
so????? who did what?
Marta M. Darby says
So, Eric is the first one, the perfect cow-face sketch. He’s the more literal one.Mine is the silly Holstein with a throw to Ferdinand the Bull. =D
Dariela says
Wow! You both draw really cool stuff!! I was thinking you were the first one Marta! 🙂
Kristen says
Totally and I mean TOTALLY obvious! Hahaha
Marta M. Darby says
Dari,You just have to get to know me a little better!
Marta M. Darby says
Kristen,You know me so well!
Marta M. Darby says
Mailyn,Was it the “eating” that gave me away? 😉
Mailyn says
That.Was.SO.Obvious!Eric’s would be the perfectly drawn literal cow.
Yours, of course, is a cow with colors, eating, and smiling!