My mom is back from Miami.
She spent the entire summer there and she has stories.
Lots of stories.
A plethora of stories. (I know. The acorn does not fall far from the tree. Shut up.)
So we've been talking.
Or should I say, she's been talking. And talking. And talking.
My job is to keep food and drink on the table in between stories.
My mom, like any good Cuban, tells a great story.
And because she's 95, she tends to repeat her stories at times. 😉
I'm a little burned out on my-summer-with-Fernando-in-Miami stories.
But she's here for the entire weekend.
So now, it's Sunday morning and I have another full day of we-went-to-the-Palacio-de-Los-Jugos-a-few-times stories to look forward to today.
There's only one way to get through this. Happy Sunday, people! =D
H/T Mica. Thanks, amiga!
Melek says
LOL Martica!!!God Bless Dona Luz!! Make sure you add a lump of patience, garnish with the element of surprise to your cafecito (bien cargadito) LOL!! … she’s rewinding everything that she experienced this summer … and the “tape” make get stuck a bit from time to time in the process … Have a great Sunday! 🙂
I wish you well 🙂 Melek
“The advantage of a (little) bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time.” ~ Nietzsche
class factotum says
Is the Palacio de Jugo that place on 57th and oh heck is it Flagler? The one with the picnic tables and the two food counters and the produce and the bacalao and the cat that wants to eat your food? I LOVED THAT PLACE! I used to go there on Saturdays and get takeout.
Cubanita says
Heavy sight. I sooooo much miss El Palacio de los Jugos en Flager y la 57th… los tamales, el jugo de guayaba… My very first assigment in J-school was a profile of that place; and I fell in love since then;-)
Catherine says
95 and still telling stories… What a blessing.
Catherine says
PS it’s 91 degrees in Miami, so having anything else than an ice-cold batidos is a CURSE.
Michele Caridad says
Palacio de Los Jugos have the best “TIMBAS” ever!!!Timbas: (n) (teem-bahs), slice of guayaba paste and white farmers cheese stacked and devoured by all those cuban! (can be done with Gouda cheese as well, i wont protest if you bring me either!)
class factotum says
Oh, the batidos de guayaba from the little pastry shop just down the street from Palacios. I miss Miami. Especially today, when it is cloudy, cool, and super windy. Winter. Ick.
Mica says
I won’t boast how every Sunday Hubby goes to the local “panaderia” and picks up cuban bread, pastelitos and croquetas…did I mention they arrive warm?Straight to my thighs…
Marta M. Darby says
Mica,That was actually, physically painful to read. You had me when you said, “panaderia.” *sigh*
Mr Perez says
Recuerden que el mejor café es el Bustelo, el mismo que se muestra en el video, tambien pueden usar el café Pilon, buenisimo tambien, con otro tipo de marca de café la calidad de lo que esten tomando no es garantisada.