Yes, that’s us with Bono.
How cool are we?
Okay… not really.
Actually, that was at Madam Tussaud’s in Las Vegas. But we were there, (in Vegas) to see U2.
We are huge U2 fans. HUGE.
In fact, when they were touring recently, for Eric’s birthday I gave him tickets to see U2 in L.A. For my birthday, he gave me tickets to see U2 in Vegas. =D
The L.A. show was on a Wednesday. The Vegas show was three days later.
It was almost embarrassing. (almost =D)
And although it was the same tour (Vertigo), the venues were so completely different. BTW, if you ever get a chance to see a concert at the MGM Grand, do it. Plus at the Vegas show, Mary J. Blige joined Bono onstage for an AMAZING version of One. And that was seriously worth the price of admission. (see video clip below) At the MGM, there’s not a bad seat in the house. The Staples Center is way too big, in my opinion. Nosebleeds are a real possibility there. 😉
Anyway, it’s no secret that we LOVE U2. In fact, Bono is on my (very short) list of Celebrities That Appear to be Decent Human Beings.
So, I get an email from my niece, Nicole, (with the following attached photo) who has just gotten back from Hawaii:
"Guess who was staying at our hotel and we happened to meet in the hotel restaurant??"
Tonight we’ll be showing Rattle and Hum on the Big Screen in the backyard. (I can dream, can’t I?)
NOTE to Bono:
Wish you were here… [sigh.]
Thanks, Nik. No. No. Of course I’m not jealous.
I’m not. (sob, sob, whimper, sniff)
Bill Faris used to say, “I know you love me, and I love U2!” I was babysitting Andrew Faris when he was about 3 or 4 and he said, “You know what, when I die and go to heaven, BONO will be leading worship!” Too right, Andrew! I saw them twice on the Joshua Tree tour–once at the LA Sports Arena (whatever it’s called now) at the beginning, with Lone Justice opening, and then again at the Olympic stadium at the end of the tour. I was seriously in the nosebleed seats–the top row or second from top row. Nonetheless, it was a spiritual experience (I blush to say that, but it was!).
Nikkie has all the luck. It’s not fair! It’s not fair. I am NOT a whiner baby!
Can you connect yourself to Bono??????? 🙂