One of my faithful readers turns fourteen today. She is a sweet, smart, and talented young lady. And the kind of person you want your own daughter to be friends with, which works out well, really, because she's one of Lucy's dearest friends. Not only that, but I adore the rest of her family, too. So, it's all good. Happy Birthday, Ali. And ...
Archives for June 2007
As you wish.
For my birthday last month Eric got me the most fabulous gift - a projector and a giant 10 foot screen. I know what you're thinking: "Wow. How romantic." (Not!) But, seriously, I have been wanting this for YEARS. But let me tell you why.I want to show movies outside in my backyard. (I told you I love movies.) So, we're ...
Six degrees of dinner conversation…
The discussions around our dinner table are never dull. We are constantly trying to stump each other with questions. Sometimes we play "Twenty Questions" or "World's Worst." But we always get back to movies. We love movies. We (by choice) don't have cable, so we don't watch tv. (although, I admit we do have some tv on dvds)But ...
Buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks
Lucy and Amy are at the Angels game tonight against the Kansas City Royals. At this hour, the Royals are wiping the field with the Angels, but do these girls care?Noooo. Why not? Because they get to wear RED.Because they get to do the wave.Because there are fireworks when the Angels score.Because of the rally monkey.Because they play salsa music ...
A Riddle
Q: What's Cuban and rhymes with "EYE CANDY?" A: Seriously. Do I really need to spell it out? ;-) [sigh] Andy Garcia as Terry Benedict in Ocean's Thirteen. ...
Party people
We celebrated Ben's birthday with a pool party yesterday. It was a beautiful day and great fun and I can't believe I forgot my camera. =( But here are a few of the cousins at the "after party." Where was this "after party?" Well ... the girls are sitting at the foot of their grandmother's the hospital.(everything ...
Just us.
Amy had a birthday on the 16th of this month.And I took her to see Chayanne.And I won't even mention that whole trip-to-Miami thing. ;-) And she did get to celebrate with her friends and go dancing and all that. But, our family dinner was preempted by Father's Day and a houseful of people. And she still wanted our traditional "family ...
Pomp and Circumstance
If you had met my sweet Lucy a few years ago, your impression would probably be that she was a quiet girl.You might even be tempted to use the word, shy. But, I'll just put all speculation to rest.All my kids have very BIG personalities.But Lucy does fall into the "quiet" category when you first meet her or don't know her very well. I got ...
“Hay sol bueno y mar de espuma. . .”
Varadero, Cuba. Summer of 1960.The one on the far left and the tall one are two of my sisters, Alina and Miriam. The other 3 are cousins. During the course of the summer there would be 14 more kids - all of our cousins, from 5 families, sharing that beach house.It even had a name: Villa ObduliaI think Obdulia was the daughter of the lady who ...
Keep the faith
Look at that beautiful vine growing in the corner of the patio there.(pay no attention to my daughter and her hula-hoop, even though she is REALLY good at it, but that's not important right now)I swear. I have these four big, fat pots sitting in each corner of my patio and in them are these amazingly gorgeous flowering vines.No, this isn't like my ...