Won’t bore you with the details of the chest x-rays and the inhaler and the cortisone shot.
The only plus to this whole pneumonia thing is that I sound just like Jessica Rabbit. 😉
("I’m not bad. I’m just drawn that way.")
The fever has finally broken, but I still have to lay low for a while before I’m back to normal.
For my birthday, the kids got me the full dvd set of the Cuban American tv show from the 70’s – ¿Que Pasa, USA? I can’t really watch for very long because, when I laugh out loud, I make a combination weird-snorting/coughing/hacking noise that is really not very attractive.
I have not had to cook since I got home. Eric is the one doing the dialing and making the pizzas. =D
So when he asked me today what I missed about Miami, just a few things came to mind.
SIGH. (cough, cough, hack, sputter, snort) 😉
~Mom~I’m sorry we can’t feed you Miami-food, but you’ve got to admit, having fresh. hot toast with butter and chocolate night and day is ALMOST worth it….? Maybe?? Alright, maybe not.
I hope you feel better, Mom. And besides, you still have a genuine El Pollo Loco flan in the fridge. =D
After seeing those photos of the pastelitos, I am attempted to leave work right now and drive the 4 hours to Miami, no matter how high the price of gas. The ones at Versailles are the best I have ever had.
Marta,One of the regrets I have about being at Cuba Nostalgia this year was being too busy to spend more time with you to talk and share stories after meeting you for the first time and feeling like I’ve known you forever. I hope you get better fast. If pastelitos are what you crave and you will not get better without ’em, just let me know. That’s why God invented Fedex. 🙂 So….ummm… when is your birthday??
Abe ‘El Consigliere’ Cardenas
Abe ~Her birthday was last Monday, the 21st. We spent it at Lario’s in South Beach.
Mine, however, is June 16th . . . and I LOVE FedEx. 🙂
(Heavy Sigh) Miss you all already.
Okay. Quiet down class… Whoever wants a FEDEX “surprise” package delivered on there birthday, please raise your hand. Good… Now. Email me with an address for this package to be delivered. There must be someone waiting there anxiously for the package. Immediate consumption of the package contents is essential for proper delivery.Abe “El Consigliere” Cardenas (Who’s birthday is June 23.)