Even though she is 93, my mom can still describe, in great detail, (as most mothers probably can) exactly how many hours she labored with each one of us.
Serious mom memories.
I’ll just hit the highlights, but here’s what I remember (vividly):
Amy – 36 hours (back labor).
Adam – 18 hours.
Lucy – 17 hours.
Jonathan – scheduled C-section.
I translated
the sentiment from yesterday’s post and did a layout for my mom to put in her scrapbook. It’s my gift to her on Mother’s Day. It took me about 4 hours. Which means I’m still about 3 hours in her debt… 😉
Kristen says
Yikes–36 hours of back labor with Amy? Stephanie was my back labor baby and good thing she was my last or I would have seriously re-thought the whole give birth with no drugs mentality…
Jeannie says
you’ll hate me – I had less than 3 hours labour with my first and with the twins – well – no pain whatsoever – I noticed the Braxton Hicks were strangely close and regular at 5:00 – the babies were born at 6:33 and 6:44 – the second was a breach.Happy Mother’s Day
Carrie says
I beat you by one hour…37 hours and THEN a c-section. Maria was sunny-side up. Still is. 🙂 Much love and see you soon!
Susan says
Man oh man. Or should I say, woman oh woman! I’ve actually never been in labor…. John Morgan was what they call “unstable lie,” which means he kept rolling around at fullterm. He would go on the diagonal, then head down, then head up. I had to spend time in the hospital because they were afraid my waters would break and the cord would come out first, which could be disaster. They were really nervous that I NOT go into labor. So they scheduled a c-section, and the night before the section, he went head down! So we thought, “Great, we can do this naturally maybe.” The next morning he was SIDEWAYS. Two hours later when they went opened the “sunroof” he was on the diagonal again! We thought ALL babies wiggled as much as he did! And… he hasn’t stopped!