We took the kids to a movie tonight. "Night at the Museum" – totally loved it. It seemed so strange to just sit and relax, but we sooo needed it.
Because besides producing a short film, shopping and wrapping, shipping, and cooking, and doing a myriad other Cuban Christmas related tasks, we also celebrated with the other side of the family.
Decorated gingerbread houses and had an amazing Italian feast with the Darbys.
Made Christmas breakfast in our matching pj’s. 😉
Stuffed stockings. (my very favorite thing!)
We traditionally have a Christmas quiche with bacon.
Lucy made "monkey bread" with Eric’s mom. It is a Darby family tradition which we always enjoy.
After breakfast, we leisurely open our gifts. We open one at a time and appropriately ooh and aah over each one. It took hours!
It’s so great to be married to the SEO guy, because you’re bound to get the cool newest Google gift of the season.
It’s an electronic picture frame that changes photos.
I am VERY pleased.
My mother, of course, wouldn’t miss a great Cuban meal with her favorite grandchildren.
So, here’s Lucy with both her grandmothers ; Nancy & Luza
stuffed with more Cuban food.
What a fun time.
I love that our home was filled with so much activity and so much love. Our intention is to bless those who come here.
We always receive more blessings in return.
(as it should be)
Amy cooked an incredible arroz con pollo for our Christmas dinner.
She used imported Spanish Calasparra rice and real saffron. It was so
We also served the Cuban tamales we picked up at Portos and the refugiados for dessert.
My father-in-law couldn’t get enough.
My mom kept plying him with bananas. (he wasn’t complaining)
So the rest was well-earned. I will post more photos, possibly tomorrow……
Right now there is a hot tub full of Magno bubbles calling my name. And I must answer.
Kisses to you all!
Amy says
I think we’re spoiled now. The Spanish arroz was so much better than the other kinds we’ve used before I can’t imagine going back . . .And thanks so much for my AWESOME stocking gifts!!!
keb says
The matching pj’s slay me! Pure joy reading this, esp intention to bless others followed immed by noting you get more in return AND THAT’s the way it shd be. Funny & true.