Working on that Christmas video and sorting through my pictures gives me a total "Now and Then" perspective. Because I'm a scrapbooker, I write my journaling stories more about relationships, than I do events. Although, I'm all about chronicling events, too. I love seeing relationships evolve in my photos. I love documenting ...
Archives for November 2006
A picture a day…
I take pictures every day. I know that sounds absurd. What could be so interesting EVERY single day?It is the little things that attract my attention.Because I notice things around me and am always thinking. It's pretty simple to document the BIG events. The birthdays, Christmases, vacations, etc. But I am aware that it is in our most ...
For the love of Bricks.
My mom calls him "Cerebrito" or "Little Brain." He doesn't let anyone, except his immediate family, call him Jon.He prefers Jonathan. He is a thinker of deep thoughts. He has an extraordinary sense of humor. He is intensely focused when he is building with his Legos. We sometimes call him "Captain Distraction." He ...
Y 2 Que?
In 1979, after President Jimmy Carter opened up travel between the U.S. & Cuba, I had a cousin go to Cuba to visit family.She brought back the most amazing treasure for us: A suitcase full of our family pictures. This is going to sound odd to some, but I was 24 years old and had never, before that moment, seen baby pictures of myself. ...
Cat Whisperer
She thinks she owns him. She rides on his shoulders. She sits on his keyboard while he's trying to work. If she is quick enough she can sleep at the foot of our bed. Meet Nefret Darby. Eric's cat. We have 3 cats. Nefret, the cat Bastet, who owns Lucy, and Poseidon, who just tolerates Jonathan. (we were studying ancient civilizations and ...
Where you lead…I will follow.
Tuesdays are sacred. It is a sacred bonding time for my daughters and me. Lucy and I head over to Amy's to watch the Gilmore Girls every Tuesday evening. Sadly, we were thwarted last week because of the Laker game (against the Clippers. Lakers won 105-101). And we were a little upset. This wasn't about the Lakers, it was OUR NIGHT. And ...
Cuban Christmas Math – 12 days plus 3 Kings?
It is the day after Thanksgiving. I know there is a frenzy of activity in many homes already decorating for Christmas. Ours is not one of those. Growing up Cuban means we celebrate Christmas Eve - Noche Buena. In our home, we always waited to put up our tree until December 24th. That was always part of the celebration. We ...
A good time was had by all.
This was our Thanksgiving day celebration: SOO much food! But we enjoyed it. The cousins had some attitude going for them. But we enjoyed them. There was lots of jumping. But they enjoyed it.The cousins played music. We all enjoyed it.The card game that wouldn't end. They are still enjoying it!They are still here. They won't leave. And ...
Japi Sanguibin (Happy Thanksgiving)
Happy Thanksgiving. My tables are set and awaiting the family tomorrow. We only have 26 because not everyone can come. I realize a beat too late when I tell people this that they think I am joking. Only 26 - ha! Being Cuban Americans, we appreciate that Thanksgiving is a holiday unique to this country. When we first started joining in ...
So alike…
I have been pondering the many things I'm grateful for. There is just so much, really. I get sentimental over every little thing. And of course, I am the dorkiest sap there is. But just look at these faces! They have these moments when they are completely in sync. They are in on the same jokes, they laugh the same way. They are on the same team. ...