I know you were wondering what we did with all those wounded apples from Thanksgiving. Well, wonder no more. The Galas (those are the red and yellow ones) went to my mom's and she reported that they are now two jars of delicious homemade applesauce. The Granny Smiths (the green ones) went into a pie. A good ole homemade Crunch Top ...
Food and Drink
Es pa’l jalo uin
It's not about the dressing up and getting candy. Heck, I can do that any day. ;-) It's that now we have put Traditions in place. And they must be respected.First it's the trip to the pumpkin patch to choose the best carving pumpkins and I always make them pose behind the cut-outs. (They were much more willing when they were ...
The Human Condition
It's tempting as a blogger to write about every single little detail of my life. And believe me, I know I totally over-share enough as it is. So I won't go into the gory details of my recent medical tests (which involved a microscopic camera used to look down my throat and I'll be honest, I was tempted to document the procedure, but I ...
It's me, Amy. The Sell-Out. I had a desperate moment. I was out of café. I was exhausted. I was running late (or is it "latte"?) I sold out. I BOUGHT my morning cafécito from STARBUCKS!!And this is how it went: I walked in, feeling ashamed. I kept my sunglasses on so I could not be recognized. I waited in ...
But where can I get an “applause” sign?
We're back from our fabulous vacation and I'm just starting to get back into the groove of our regular life. I have to make lists to remind myself to do the things that I usually do without thinking. Seriously. I am so relaxed. One of the novelties of being away from home is tv. Let me explain.In order to be able to watch ...
Late. Again.
Evidence that this Cubanita was running late for work because of her addiction: ...
Hello, my name is Amy . . .
HI AMY. Here's when I knew I'd hit rock bottom . . . It was early morning. That afternoon was when I would be going to mom's house to begin my house-sitting job. This is what I woke up to:AY CARAMBA!! QUE HORROR!! SADNESS!! After about an hour . . . the craving sets in . . . the shaking . . . I haven't had my morning fix. I suck it ...
Como Mi Mama
My whole family is on vacation so I'm staying at Mom's house to take care of the cats. That means the cook is not in and I can't afford to eat out every night . . . So what did I do? I found one of my favorite recipes here. And I made it. IT. WAS. PERFECT. See? And now I can eat for the rest of the week. :-) I'm sure they are ...
Big plans . . .
Inspired by my success with the Dulce de Leche and because I am LOVING the ice cream maker the kids gave us, I've decided to take on Hàagen Dazs.My mom will be with us this weekend and she's already pumped for the challenge. Me (in Spanish, of course): "I want to try and make Dulce de Leche ice cream." My Mom (also in Spanish, of ...
Feeling the love.
So, I was feeling a little blue today. Probably just tired. The last few weeks have been so busy for us with celebrations and I probably just need some downtime. And you know how it is when you start feeling down and you start feeling sorry for yourself?So there I am having my very own Pity Party and thinking (or maybe I was praying, or maybe ...