{This post is a review of the superMOPI Toddler Motorbike (there’s no motor). I was not compensated in any way for writing this. I received a toddler size superMOPI for the purpose of this review. All opinions are my own.}
My grandson, Sebastian – you may call him Bash – is a super-active, high energy kid. He’s been walking since before his 8th month and running at a year. You can imagine what he’s like now at 20 months. That’s right, SuperToddler.
The folks at superMOPI reached out and asked if I’d do a review of their product, the superMOPI Toddler Motorbike – it’s just a term. I promise there’s no motor – and I thought Sebastian would be the perfect test-subject, because he’s such a wild, adventurous little guy.
When the superMopi arrived, I first noticed how light it was. I knew Sebastian would be able to handle it easily without too much adult intervention.
He approached it tentatively. And at first he just wanted to push it around a bit. This is the smaller toddler size.
Eric – you may call him PomPom – encouraged Sebastian to climb aboard and pushed him just a little.
The first few tries, probably like anything else, were rocky. He wanted to stand and walk and push and drag.
But once he discovered that he could steer it himself, all bets were off.
The features of the superMOPI are:
- Tiny and light (<3 lbs)
- Steerable and fast
- Stands on 3 sturdy wheels
- Pushed by feet on ground
- For outdoor and indoor use
- Safety certified
- Durable plastic with steel axle
- Max. rider weight: 50 lbs
- Available in multiple colors
- Available in 2 sizes
Here’s the link to the superMOPI site that has videos and photos.
He is practicing little by little to command the superMOPI every day. I like that it makes him work. I think he enjoys the independence. What’s that you say? The SuperToddler enjoying his independence? Sooo much like his mama, Amy. But that’s not important right now.
I’m so glad we have been able to play with the superMOPI and Sebastian, aka SuperToddler seems to love it.
I can picture his business card now: Sebastian Darby. SuperToddler. Have superMOPI, will travel. Born to be WILD.
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