The experience of having a child is possibly the most traumatic, amazing, delightful and life-changing event of any woman's life.
If you have more than one child, you are a little bit better prepared for child #2 or #3 or #4 (or #6 or #8…).
Having that first one, however, is so incredibly new and so incredibly different from anything you've ever experienced, that there's nothing that can prepare you for it.
Nor are you likely to forget any of the major details of that event for the rest of your life. We remember the drama vividly, but mercifully, it seems we forget the pain.
My sister, Ofelia (we call her Ofie), was born in 1941. She was named after my mother's sister, Ofelia.
She was, is, and always will be The First Born. (Sometimes she still acts as if she's an only child, but that's not important right now.)
Here's my mom, Luza (who is 97 now), reminiscing about Ofie's birth seventy (!) years ago. Enjoy.
On this week before Mother's Day, please tell me about your first born. I know you'll never forget.
Chantel says
My first–and only!–born, Penny, very nearly came into this world in a car on the way to the hospital. She’s my little cohete. Mi trompo loco. And the sweetest kid in the world <3
Sonia says
Let’s start with my last gyno check up… My pediatrician (Cubano por supuesto) after weigh in told me to calm down on the rice and beans! He was so adamant and so incredulous about the size of the child que me asusto and I said- Dr. do you think I’ll need a C section? “No mija, alli cabe un camion.” Anyway, 10 days later she falls out (the law of gravity) my 12 pound daughter. I swear I almost dropped her when they gave her to me because I didn’t expect her to weigh so much! Mi Gorda bella! Now she’s a mom and I’m a grandma, but don’t even get me started on the subject of grandbabies!!! God’s gift for not selling your kids when they hit puberty…
Michelle says
I am the “first born” of my cousins and my abuela still kind of considers me one of hers. I’m also the first born girl of the first born girl and just had my first born which is a girl. Certainly won’t be forgettig her birth anytime soon and I think just about every day of her life so far as been photographed.
Carmencita says
When I went into labor with Carmen (oldest of 4), my mother insisted that ‘labor doesn’t start like that’ – back labor – and mind you, she only had me.When my husband and I started heading for the car (after he ate a huge plate of Cuban food Mami had prepared that day…) and told her we’d see her & dad at the hospital, she kept repeating, with her hand on her head, “But I’m not ready, I’m not ready!” I certainly was!
After 4 hours of excruciating back labor, our beautiful & healthy
8lb,12oz baby girl was born, ready to take on the world with her gorgeous green eyes, intelligence, fun personality and big heart.
I love you, Carmen:)
Marta M. Darby says
Trompo loco is very apropos to describe your sweet Penny. What a gift!
Marta M. Darby says
You belong in the Guinness Book of World Records. Not just that you had such a big baby, but that YOU DID IT!!You cracked me up with the puberty mention….
Marta M. Darby says
As is fitting of a first born. Her life must be documented often and well.
Marta M. Darby says
Wow. I guess you were really READY! Thanks for sharing your story. I love it.
Marta M. Darby says
Hi Suzy,I know I am so blessed to have her still in her right mind. Plus, she makes me laugh. =D
You’re welcome.
Suzy says
Your Mom is a great story teller. Just proves to me that all Cuban Madres are the same and makes me miss mine even more. Thank you as always for posting!!
Carrie says
Wah! That made me cry.I love your mom. And, it is amazing how she remembers it so clearly.
A mom doesn’t forget, does she.
I, like Chantel, am One and Done…and I treasure my semi-Cubanita and all she has taught me.
Blanca Stella says
My first born and only one pushed and pushed while I was in labor for over 48 hours. I didn’t dilate and finally had to have a cesaerian. But the minute he came out I forgot about all the pain, but then of course I was numb with the epidural. I tried so hard to have him natural, but then after 18 hours, I screamed for the epidural!! Then when the nurse the next day told me not to get up so fast and I got up forgetting I had surgery and I almost keeled over on the floor in worse pain than the labor pains. 8 pounds and the most loving child ever. I’m blessed. I have a picture right after I gave birth on this blog post I did recently when he turned 18 in March
Monica says
I had silent contractions with my first born, that started at 32 weeks. I didn’t even know it, except that when I drove myself to the dr for my routine exam, I happened to mention that the baby seemed really low – like her head was going to fall out at any second! My doc says you’re dialated 3 cm, we better hook you up to see if you’re having contractions. Bah! “I’m not having any contractions,” I said.They were 2 minutes apart and furious.
I was on bed rest and in and out of the hospital for the next month. Was so aggravated because I had only had one lamaze class before this happened, and had studied the Bradley method backwards and forwards.
But she was breech. They tried physically turning her in the hospital and it was a pain like no other.
Finally, I started running out of amnio fluid, so they went in at 36 weeks and pulled her out.
But despite the trouble she gave me beforehand, the c-section (that I did not want) went beautifully.
And today, she won 1st place in her science fair. Gracias a Dios.
Marta M. Darby says
Carrie,Your semi-Cubanita is a treasure!
Marta M. Darby says
Blanca,That was such a beautiful tribute to your boy! I got teary-eyed. What a loving mami you have been to him.
Happy Mother’s Day, my friend!
Marta M. Darby says
First place in her science fair! Que divina!!Thanks for sharing your money, Monica.
mariela Gomez says
The night my water broke, my Papi and husband asked if I was sure I didn’t pee my pants. Um, yeah. Pretty sure. Then Papi went upstairs to get dressed- a super starched white shirt, cologne, his leather jacket and hat… I kept saying ‘what’s taking so long?! We gotta go!’ 4 hours later Eva Luna was born, she’s beautiful, rambunctious, strong-willed (like her Bio and mami!), and the most precious thing in the world. Every day is a new adventure! Love, is just not a strong enough word to describe what I fee l for her.
Miriam Arango says
My first born son came into the world after a 17 and 1/2 hour labor…he was “el rey de la familia” as my mother had 2 girls and had always wanted a son…his father and I were delighted with our cubanamericanito and went on to have two more little kings…I am a very lucky mom to have 3 such wonderful sons…feliz dia de las madres!