According to my friend, Amy Arnaz, the day that her husband was born, the news of his birth knocked the inauguration of President Eisenhower off of the front page of all the newspapers across America.
Can you imagine?
That was on Monday, January 19, 1953.
This same baby who created such a stir on Inauguration Day, 1953, was also on the very first cover of TV Guide that same year.
I'm privileged and proud to call this Delightful Disruptor of History, my friend.
Yes, Desi Arnaz Jr. (*sigh*) is celebrating a birthday today. And apparently, there's Cuban food on the menu. (*takes bow*)
Happy Birthday, my sweet Desi! (*sigh*) May you have many, many more!
P.S. I still owe you that arroz con pollo, but that's not important right now.
P.P.S. Miss Amy, here's the recipe for the black beans. Buen Provecho!
Please go visit my sweet friend, Miss Amy's blog. It's called Insights from the Magic Tutu. Don't be shy. Go wish Desi Arnaz Jr. a very happy birthday. But be sure to tell them Marta sent you! 😉
Dear Marta~ Thank you. You are the best. Your post about Desi is perfect. Can’t wait to show it to him. It’s 2:15 and my black beans have been on for 3 hours. Dinner is at 5pm. The aroma in our house is wonderful. I’m going over to look at YOUR recipe now to see what I can learn to make the beans better. Not too late to add a secret ingredient! Hope to see you soon, my friend. xoxo Amy
Marta, thanks for sharing this.I’m getting a nostalgia moment. I grew up watching Lucy’s show! Brings back a lot of memories of my childhood. Happy Birthday Desi!
Happy Birthday, Mr. Arnaz.You are a lucky man to call Marta your friend.
Hey, how about a guest post for the Tiki Tiki Blog? We love video, we love Cubans, and we love good-looking, funny guys.
What a wonderful tribute Marta! So glad to see that you’re back blogging and sharing your (charmed) life with us!Happy Belated Birthday wishes to Desi!!
Hello Marta, I am a friend of Amy’s and popped over from her blog to read yours about Desi’s birthday… so cute, thank you for sharing!… xoxo Julie Marie
Hi Julie Marie,Thanks for the visit and please, make yourself at home. Any friend of Amy and Desi’s is a friend of mine. =D
that is a great post.i remember he was in a great movie called red sky at morning with richard thomas. he and everybody in that movie was great i wonder why that was never released on dvd. one of those great movies lost in time i guess. happy b-day desi.
Your story about Desi Arnaz brought back some memories. When I first moved to MN in 1976, I had a strong Cuban/Jersey accent. Not sure which one was stronger and of course to the Midwesterner it was not difficult to notice I was not from these parts.They’d try to guess my ethnicity usually without asserting. But upon my mentioning Cuba, I’d always see a huge smile and people would ask me with all seriousness if I knew Ricky Ricardo followed by…”I thought all Cubans were black”
I never understood why they’d ask me about Ricky and why they would think all Cubans were black. After all these years now I know why. Minnesotans must have thought Ricky was the only white person in Cuba, until I came along lol