My friend and faithful blog-reader, Mica (whom I had the pleasure to meet at Cuba Nostalgia last year), shared a sweet moment she had at the 2009 Food and Wine Festival in Miami a few weeks ago.
She got to meet Martha.
Yes, THAT Martha. I swear. I want to be her sometimes. (Martha, not Mica.)
Martha. She who represents everything I could ever hope to be (except for that whole pesky insider-trading-and-having-to-go-to-jail thing, but that's not important right now).
I know. Shut up. How cool is she?
Mica meets Martha and encourages her to get in touch with her inner Cubana.
She (Mica, not Martha) reports that they had the following exchange:
Mica (the very bold Cuban woman): "Martha, you MUST do a whole show on Cuban food & culture."
Martha: "Oh I have done some things. Why? Are you Cuban?"
Mica: "Yes, very!!"
So, Mica, my friend, kudos to you for your witty 60 second book-signing repartee with Martha.
If it had been me, I know I would have been tongue-tied and probably said something like:
"Martha! I want to be the Cuban YOU!"
That didn't come out right, did it? Heavy sigh. =(
So you see…..It's a very good thing it was you, Mica, and not me. =D
(Thanks for sharing, my friend!)
~ Martha Stewart
Mica, way cool!Marta, you ARE the Cuban Martha! Except for that whole “mean and cold” stuff they say about her.
Sweet! Congrats, Mica!Marti, you are the Cuban Martha! xoxoxo
Congratulations Mica!!! I’m so glad you had the opportunity to meet her. I wonder how she feels about plastic reupholster furniture!! LOL!! Boy did I see that a lot in the homes of my parent’s friends growing up. LOL!!!
Congrats to Mica!And I agree with Amanda, you ARE the Cuban Martha!!!
Except she DIDN’T commit insider trading! Her crime — and yes, there was one, I suppose — was perjury, same as Bill Clinton. The moral of the story is Never, ever, ever to lie to the Feds. EVER. But she did not commit insider trading. They were on a witch hunt. Jerks.
Can you tell I loves me some Martha?But not as much as Martica.
Mica you’re awesome!
Thanks everyone, it was fun meeting her. She is the bomb!
Bea shared the pic of Mica with Marta so reading this blog was a walk down memory lane…there is no doubt that a Cuban Marta Es-Too-ort would be appropriate in our Miami. We have often spoken of how we would tie an old gift ribbon around the used old Pepsi bottle that is holding the backyard weeds for a table centerpiece. There are many items that we could use from our Miami gardens easily that would be really good for entertaining. TTFNMadameFoo