I’m not jealous. I’m not.
I know what it looks like.
A spread from a Pottery Barn Catalog.
But you’re wrong.
This was our Fourth of July picnic. Here in Orange County.
Yes, that is teak furniture. And Tommy Hilfiger quilts.
And fresh flowers. (not jealous at all!)
I felt like I had fallen into a fabulous Lifestyle Magazine. (Heavy Sigh)
And no, I had nothing to do with it. =(
This is all the doing of my amazing friend, Tamera.
She of the Most Excellent Taste in Absolutely Everything.
There were dozens of kids and adults sharing in this magnificent feast and Tamera was just cool as a cucumber playing hostess to us all. Did I mention how fabulous she is??
As her husband said, the event had been “Tamerized” and of course, turned into something beyond incredible.
I always read lifestyle magazines and wonder who those lucky people are who get to entertain and be entertained in such fabulousness. Well, lucky for us and thanks to Tamera, this time it was us.
The level of comfort we enjoyed for the picnic and fireworks was beyond anything I ever imagined. And the company – forget about it! What a great group of people and kids.
Which just leaves me curled up in a fetal position, sucking my thumb and calling for Mama, because I now have to deal with my jealousy issues. I totally want to BE her!!! (I know.)
Seriously, she is genuinely wonderful, and sweet, warm and generous and creative and completely lovable and down to earth.
And she’s MY friend. See? A charmed life.
Hey T, can you “Tamerize” ME??? =D
(Thanks again for the Best 4th of July EVER!)
PS. Yes, I did cry during the fireworks. Thanks for reminding me of my own personal weakness…sheesh! 😉
Yowsh…I came a week too early!Beautiful!
Great memories, great company, incredible surroundings!