I don’t give out grades in our homeschool. Not in the traditional sense. I don’t have a classroom full of kids to "grade" and compare, so we can spend time mastering skills. So technically, Jonathan is a straight A student because we don’t have to move on if there’s stuff he doesn’t understand, umm. . . at least until he understands it – then we move on. It’s logical. (duh!)
NOTE: For the record, Lucy’s classes are all online and she has "real" teachers that she has to impress and she’s also a straight A student, but that’s not important right now.
Every month I do have to turn in a sample of all the work we’ve been doing the previous month for school. It lets my Master Teacher (yes, I answer to a higher credentialed authority) know what we’ve been doing and it helps me to see exactly where we are and what things we need to work on.
But grades are so arbitrary and the work we turn in doesn’t even begin to tell the whole story. Here’s what I know about Jonathan (my 6th grader) that a report card won’t necessarily tell:
- Algebra and Geometry both come easily to him. (That right there proves the existence of a merciful God as far as I’m concerned, but that’s not important right now. =D)
- He’s got beautiful penmanship (a pet peeve of mine).
- He’s got a VIVID imagination.
- He’s a voracious reader.
- He has a big heart.
- Albert Einstein and Leonardo DaVinci are his heroes.
- He wants to be a Scientist, a Film Director, or an Imagineer when he grows up.
- He’s a good friend.
- He’s a natural leader.
- He is a thinker of deep thoughts.
- He’s clever and funny and smart.
- He cares deeply about a great many things.
- He writes fabulous stories and makes delightful short films.
- He’s growing up to be a decent human being.
- He’s popular with his peers.
Am I surprised? Not entirely.
Am I bragging? Maybe a little.
Am I relieved. You betcha!
Am I confused? Absolutely.
How would I even go about handing out grades like A, B or C to describe this kid’s abilities and talents??
Please. I’m a storyteller. And I’m his teacher. And I also happen to be his mother.
How do I go about giving him grades for these "subjects?"
Nope. Can’t do it. But I will say this:
I’m so grateful that I’ve got a ringside seat for The Jonathan Show.
(Hey! There’s an idea – Instead of grades, I’ll just sell tickets! =D)
Melek says
Marti,Great post … as usual!!! What a blessing! How fortunate for your children to have you as their teacher … all those great traits and skills displayed by them stem from you!
One of my favorite thoughts is “that we can’t give what we don’t have” … all these wonderful traits are part of your persona and you have been able to “give” or pass them on! To all 4! God Bless You!
I wish you well 🙂 Melek
“Own only what you can carry with you; know language, know countries, know people. Let your memory be your travel bag.” ~ Solzhenitsyn
Amanda says
Wonderful post. Melek is right, your kids are a reflection of you. You are all wonderful, mi familia. ;-)p.s. why am I not suprised that you have an “easy” button?! 😛
Carrie_in_TN says
Girl, you are my model Mami.Children, you are a blessed bunch…
nora says
Grades, like test scores, tell so little and what they do tell, matters very little. Your kids are indeed blessed to be judged on much more important aspects of their lives; their character and innate gifts. THAT is how to turn out kids who will be happy and productive adults.Let’s do something together next week.
kristen Benson says
Yep…I second everything you wrote. Jessica was so concerned about taking online PCHS classes this year since she had never had a “real” teacher before and wasn’t sure when she asked what grades she was getting I replied “A’s” all these years that was really true. Hmmmmm, turns out her mom (who happens to have her degree but as you say, “that is not important right now”) was a qualified teacher after all. Jessica is STILL getting all A’s in her online classes. Guess being my kid’s mom is qualification enough to teach them HOW to learn, to LOVE to learn and to THRIVE even when in a more traditional setting. Three cheers for homeschooling!!! Not to mention my kids, like yours, are pleasant to be around. Hey, lets go celebrate our 8 great kids between us :o)
Mr. Michael Verdes says
So I reviewed the list of Johnathan’s strengths.There will come a day when he will need to know how to get the girl. I teach this class in Miami… send him when he’s ready.
Marta says
Michael,He’s only 12! (maybe next year. =D)