Blonde hair, blue eyes and a dazzling smile. [heavy sigh]
That’s Amy, my firstborn, apparently in Cuba, sitting on the wall of the Malecon overlooking Havana Bay and the Castillo del Morro.
Notice how she looks right at home.
(This fabulous photo op was part of Cuba Nostalgia.)
She can cook a mean arroz con pollo.
She holds her own bilingually.
And while my other 3 kids are musicians, this one can dance.
And, boy, did she ever!
In front of the Univision cameras. (Eric’s response when I told him was just a heavy sigh. =D)
We’re not really sure whether to be proud or frightened.
(We taped it from the tv at my cousin’s house later that day. She comes on after the guy rolling the cigars.)
The interviewer asked her what her "technique" was.
Her response: "Technique? What techinique? I’m Cuban! It’s in my blood."
Okay, so maybe I’m a little bit proud. 😉
(But Eric is still sighing heavily)
Por Dios, Marta!be afraid , be very afraid. tell Eric i had her back..well that didn’t sound right…tell him I kept an eye on her..oh never mind…be afraid
Too funny! I remember walking up to Amy right after the cameraman pulled away and jokingly asking her for her autograph.
OHHHHH MYYYYY GODDDDD!!!! ALABAOOOOOOOOOO.I think I was selling a t-shirt when that video was shot. But I remember seeing that dancing going on from the corner of my eye. Outstanding Amy. You definitely have the Cuban blood burning through your veins. Smoking hot!!
Marta, I miss you already.
Un bezo.
Abe “Consigliere” Cardenas
Shake it, girl! =)
When my wife first told me my daughter was on TV, I thought, “How wonderful!” Then after watching the video and picturing in my mind’s eye hundreds – no thousands – of young Cuban men watching TV and seeing MY DAUGHTER…I’ll stick with sighing heavily.