I’m a little embarrassed to share this…
I tried to call in sick today, but there was no one to call.
Okay, so I wasn’t really sick. I just kind of overdid it yesterday and I’m paying today.
But there is no "substitute teacher" in a homeschool.
And I’m self-employed.
So because there was no one to call, I will just whine a little on this blog.
I blame Pam.
She doesn’t believe that I really get "air" on the trampoline.
And she dared me to post a photo.
I asked Eric to document this for her benefit and he took his sweet time focusing, and…
Yeah, baby! That’s me!
but… I went too high, too many times, for too long. (and momentarily forgot how old I am)
And I’m paying today for my arrogance.
I’m just happy I survived and didn’t have to explain this to the paramedics.
Pretty impressive, though. Isn’t it? 😉
Cuba Tees says
Hilarious post! I love it! Have a great day honey.- ME
Lee Laden says
Hey, where does all that energy come from?Can I order a gallon or two.
“Jump” is one of our favorite tunes. Onward!!
Pam Pensiero says
I can’t believe you did it! You are so lucky you didn’t topple off! I don’t know it that is truly your feet……hummmm…..could be Amy’s! Wait, I think it is Jon’s. 🙂 Full body next time…..
keb says
that picture is PERFECT – you are such a funny woman.