Before there was Andy.... (insert heart flutter here) There was Desi... (sigh)That's right. Desi Arnaz Jr. (be still my foolish heart...) Proud and handsome descendant of Cuban Royalty, Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball (let's have a moment of reverent silence here - thank you). MY Desi. (heavy sigh) My First True Love. ...
Cuban Cookbook
The envelope please…
First, I want to thank all of you who left (such nice!!) comments and participated in The My Big, Fat, Cuban Family Two Year Blogiversary Giveaway of '08 (I think that name gives this silly contest more gravitas, but that's not important right now). You are the reason I do what I do and I'm grateful for your feedback. ...
In my dreams…
In my dreams, I never thought I'd be... a) Blogging. (seriously, who blogs? =D)b) Still going strong after 2 years. (2 whole years!!) To date I've written over 600 posts and you've responded with over 2300 comments. And I love that you follow me over to Babalú every other Thursday to try my latest recipes. We are SOOO ...
Picture this:It's a super hot summer day and you're craving something sweet and icy cold, that is both filling and refreshing.And you're getting a little nostalgic for the nearly perfect summer days of your island youth.And you're 3,000 miles from the nearest Palacio De Los Jugos.There's only one answer for this little ...
Lookout Rachael Ray!
Kikita here. I've got exciting news! After weeks and weeks (and weeks) of pressure, Mami finally cracked! She gave in and started working day and night on organizing a cookbook. Yes, you read that correctly, MY BIG, FAT, CUBAN FAMILY COOKBOOK is now a reality.(Lookout Rachael Ray!)It's full color and just gorgeous. No, it's not ...