Okay, so it's not really mandatory to do this, but I can't help but want to share all the things I'm grateful for as we approach Thanksgiving Day. I have to start with my family. Because, pretty much my life begins and ends with them. From their smiles to their crazy-making messes, they are the people who keep me engaged and moving forward. And ...
My Big, Fat, Cuban Family
Family is everything to me. I love them more than words can describe.
Saving for College – Too Soon?
Have you seen how quickly our grandsons are growing up? Asher is now 2 years old and in love with horses and dinosaurs - playing with and pretending to be - it's a delight to watch him grow. (Thank you, Skype!)Sebastian is now 5 months old. His latest activity is rolling over and pushing himself up to a Yoga-ish Downward Dog. It's endlessly ...
A Decade of Blogging – There Should be Cake
It's hard to think of things I've been doing consistently for 10 years. Well, besides personal grooming, like brushing my teeth, or cooking meals for my family or doing laundry. Okay, so I guess I've been doing lot of things for the past decade, but that's not important right now. I'm celebrating my occupation of this particular space of the ...
National College Savings Month
I know you want to know, so here goes: The grandsons are both growing and changing. It's happening so super quickly. Whoever first said, "Time flies" was obviously watching as their children (or grandchildren) grew and changed before their very eyes.Sweet Asher (in Virginia) just celebrated his 2nd birthday. Also, look at those curls! He ...
Cuban Baby Bling
Every now and then, I'll share something that we Cubans are used to doing because it's been so ingrained into our culture and lives - see 8 Rules to Getting Your House Cuban Clean®. Or I'll casually mention a thing we do that appears superstitious to the untrained observer - see 10 Cuban Superstitions That Helped You Survive. It takes me a beat ...
Starting Small and Dreaming Big
The new grandson, Sebastian (call him "Bash"), has us all nutty in the best possible way. I seriously cannot get enough of holding him and just staring. And as I do, I'm aware of how quickly time is going by. People, he's already a month old! Maybe it's because I have this guy in such close proximity that I'm barely aware of how much he's grown ...
Meet The Baby Bash – it’s a Party!
My newest grandson, Sebastian (we call him Bash) was born a month ago. During the months leading up to his birth my life got a little crazy-busy and I couldn't see myself organizing a baby shower for Amy. I know. Mom fail. But, in my defense, we did get everything she needed for her first few weeks including a rocking chair, diapers, and receiving ...
Hi Mom.
For those of you loyal readers, by know you've figured out that almost every Mother's Day, we (the children of MBFCF) have proudly hijacked our mom's blog with some adorable photos and commentary about how much we love and adore our mom. The first year, we wrote THIS. The following, THIS. You get the idea. This year, ...
And…they’re off!
This is not the way I pictured it. I'm talking about my life as Eric and I approach our Twilight Years. Which are really more of a pale yellow at this point, but that's not important right now. Here's how I pictured it: My kids would all be grown and gone. I have never had any illusions that they'd stay home forever. That ...
The Quinceañera Story and A Homemade Mayonnaise Recipe
My mom just recently celebrated her . (It's still weird to say that.) As people do when they get older, she repeats stories that she particularly likes or maybe it's that the memory gets fresher as time passes. Either way, as her birthday approached, she would tell the story of her 15th birthday. In Cuba, as in other ...