The Lily: A Luza Story
Years ago when my mom, Luza was still with us, she gifted me a beautiful lily. The same type that she carried in her wedding bouquet. ❤️💕❤️
The lily faithfully grows every year and blooms on her birthday at the end of February. That’s just like her to give me a beautiful way to remember her.
We put bricks down in this area of our garden so I could have a place to come and think and pray every day.
•We carefully dug up the lily and repotted it. It has filled up these two big pots and I’m happy to report is still thriving.
Today I noticed that there was something coming up in two places between the bricks.
The LILY!!
That’s just like Luza to send me a reminder like that.
Then I noted the date. January 14.
She passed away 5 years ago today.
I keep a note in my Bible that she wrote to me. It loosely translates to this:
“May God bless you, my little dearest daughter.
(I’m the youngest.)
Dear Marta,
There will always be a part of life where God allows mothers to come down and watch over their children.
I will always watch over you.
I miss her every day. But like she did in life with her daily phone calls, she reminds me every day that she’s somehow thinking about me.
“Que descanses en paz, mi querida.”
Cuban mothers. Am I right?
Odalys Fabregas says
Cyber HUG!!!