We're super excited to be a part of Cuban Heritage Day at Dodger Stadium again this year. And the Dodgers are super excited to host all of us loud, fanatical Cuban baseball fans.
From the Dodgers site:
Our Cuban-themed Viva Los Dodgers festival will begin 2 hours prior to first pitch, and fans can enjoy festive live music including performances by Alfredo Rodriguez and Charanga Cubana, player autographs and various activities. Admission to Viva Los Dodgers is free with a paid ticket to the game.
First, the details: The game is against the Milwaukee Brewers on Sunday, August 17th, at 1:00 o'clock PM. If you haven't already, you can still get tickets at the Los Angeles Dodgers Site.
Then, you need to get your t-shirts, of course from Habana Brand Clothing so that you can appropriately represent.
But the best part is today's giveaway…
Sponsored by the Los Angeles Dodgers and My Big, Fat, Cuban Family, (Let's just take a moment to appreciate how accidentally cool this is. Thankyouverymuch) I'm giving away all the Dodgers Awesomeness pictured below.
- A Los Angeles Dodgers Blanket
- A Dodger Blue zip-up hoodie (XL). (Which I'm seriously tempted to keep, but that's not important right now.)
- A Yasiel Puig Bobblehead (you know you want one.)
- A page of Dodger/Puig stick on images. And……drum roll please……
- A pair of tickets (2) to the game! The coolest part of this is that you will be sitting with us! That's right. Come and enjoy a Dodger Dog with me and My Big, Fat, Cuban family.
To enter this drawing for the 2 Dodger Tickets and All the Very Cool LA Dodgers Paraphernalia please leave a comment on this post and tell me:
- What's your favorite thing to do at a baseball game?
Is it the 7th Inning Stretch? The Kiss Cam? Heckling the batter? Do you look fabulous in Dodger Blue? Tell me.
Please leave your comment on this post and I'll choose a winner on Sunday, August 10th, 2014 at 8 pm PST.
BEFORE YOU ENTER, please double check your calendars and make sure you can attend the game on Sunday, August 17th. Thanks!
Say it with me: "It's time for Dodgers Baseball!" ~Vin Scully
Best thing that I like to do at the baseball game is to take it all in especially at Dodger Stadium with all the history of the stadium and more history to come in the future. Plus it will be great to take my 14 month old son to his first baseball game.
The best thing is giving my son the memories my dad was not able to give me. Growing up Latino, you always want to give your kids better than what you had. With that said, I always remind him to appreciate what your parents never had.
I love taking my son to the games. He doesn’t have a father so I have to be mom and dad and give him the wonderful experience of going to see the Dodgers in blue. We haven’t made a game this year. My abuela passed away a few months ago, she was a true blue fan and had asked me a week before she passed to call the cable company to see how much it would be to see all the games. I would love to be able to participate at Cuban Heritage Day and sit with all the cubanos in her honor. I have a picture of her sporting her Cuban Puig shirt. When I got it for her, she was so happy.She was a proud Cubana!! 🙂
I love to go to the Dodger games to experience the vibe in Dodger Stadium! I love having a Dodger dog and a nice cream malt! The Dodger fans are greatest and we are proud to wear the Dosger blue! Almost as proud as being a Cubana!
Well,we are only honorary Cubans,but we are long-time Dodger fans,so this would be really fun. Our favorite thing to do at the Dodger games is to yell at the hitters.Sometimes we go retro – “Hit one for Cindy!” or encouraging – “Today’s your day!””Maybe not..” – realistic.
We are very loud,and we enjoy ourselves immensely,although people sitting in front of us are not too appreciative,unless they’re loud,too!Thanks for the chance!
Yes, I love the 7th inning stretch! It’s our tradition to hold out til then to get our frozen lemonade! No matter how the game is going, we look forward to that refreshing iciness to get us through. I love you and hope to be sitting next to you on the 17th! What better way to celebrate my mami’s birthday than hanging out with awesome Cubans? MUAH
My dad is from Havana, Cuba…. He’s been in the United States for 30 years or so and has always loved the Dodgers. My dad had full custody of my brother and I, so we ALWAYS watched Dodger baseball growing up. I can remember being 5 years old sitting at my Mima’s house watching baseball, alone, while she babysat us. I have a genuine love for the game. It’s something I’m passionate about. Mike Piazza was my favorite player back in those days. I love to sit in the stadium and hear the fans roaring throughout the stadium. I read in an article one day that players that have left the Dodgers say there aren’t fans like Dodgers fans. We are true to our fandom. My daughter who is the age I started watching baseball, 5, is sooo passionate about her Dodgers. Her favorite player is Yasiel Puig, of course. She’s so excited to meet him. She’s been watching baseball on my dads lap since she was an infant… It’s in her blood, we bleed blue!
Buying mani from the manisero! They are not rolled up in a cone but it is fun. Then passing the money down and the people don’t mind.
The thing I love the most about going to Dodgers Stadium is thinking about how my dad would meet up with his old friend from Tinguaro, Cuba, Jackie Hernandez, that played for the Pirates. Said they would just hang out before and after the ball game when he’d come down to play the Dodgers.
I just love the energy of being amongst the fans!
I love to sit and watch the people enjoy the game and eat hot dogs!
My favorite thing to do as a kid at the games would be to listen to the game on a small radio, Vin Scully, Ross Porter and Jerry Doggett of course, and keep score of the game from one of the dodger programs.
I have been a dodger fan all my life. My father played baseball in Cuba (of course) and was an amazing pitcher. When we moved to the US, he made the dodgers our family team. We went to opening day every year for as long as I can remember. I’m 49 and my dad is 84. If I win the tickets, I’m bringing my papi. My favorite thing that I look forward to when I go to a dodger game is having a dodger dog. I don’t know what they put in those things, but they are my favorite hot dog of all times. So yummy!
I go to eat! Plain and simple! Lol! It is absolutelymy favorite thing to do!
Hi I am looking forward to the 2nd Annual Cuban Heritage Day at the Dodgers.Now what I need is two tickets to a great Cuban fun time with all of my people.
I hope I have some luck and win the tickets and that great goodie bag.
Good Luck to me!!!! Wish me luck!!! GO DODGERS!!!⚾️
I love everything about Dodgers baseball games! Going with friends; it doesn’t matter where you sit, what matters is being there. I love the Dodger dogs, the fries on the helmet, booing the other team player, but the best part of all is listening to Vin Scully on the radio while watching the game live in Chavez Ravine. <333
Baseball always brings my family together, no matter who everyone is rooting for and it is quite diverse, we always enjoy a cookout before heading to the ballpark on a sunny afternoon. Cubans without Baseball, is like a fish out of water.But my favorite part is “Take Me Out To The Ball Game” no other song fills me with such excitement, I don’t care if I never get back, Let’s Play Ball!
My favorite thing to do at dodger games is make mermories with my girlfriend. She took me to my first dodger game this season and now im hooked. I love cheering for puig when he makes great catches. And getting pissed at empires when calling stupid calls unfairly (cuban additute much).
My Dad passed away, but watching baseball was his favorite thing to do. This is why I love going to baseball games because I feel him there with me. I like the excitement of the people in the stands. Love to do the Wave!
I love to cheer on Puig with my daughter and father, while eating media noches from Porto’s. It’s real family time! We take selfies and comment on FB. We love going to the games! I don’t live in a Time Warner area and hate not being able to see the games more often.
So much for not showing my email address! Mariela Neira