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Archives for September 2014
Cubamerican the Movie on DVD – Winners
I know that all of us Cubans who left our homeland because of the communist revolution have a story. Many of the stories sound pretty much the same, but of course, the details are slightly different and oh-so-very personal. As I read over your comments on the last post, I could almost tangibly feel the pain and loss of each individual. It ...
Cubamerican the Movie on DVD – Giveaway
I so love celebrating Cuban (!) Hispanic Heritage Month with you guys because...Our stories need to be told. Cubans are amazing people.Speaking of great "Cuando sali de Cuba" stories, I know many of you have already seen the documentary, Cubamerican. If you haven't yet, you will be amazed at how beautifully and poignantly it ...
Cuando Sali de Cuba – Stories of Courage and Hope
My family moved to the U.S. reluctantly. When we left Cuba, we didn't know we were coming here for good. I think that's a part of our story as Cuban refugees that doesn't get much play. When we left our beloved homeland, we (when I say "we," I mean, my parents) thought it was only a temporary stay until that whole pesky revolution thing blew ...
Congratulations, Miami. Here Comes Cubamerican!
I'm so happy to announce that Cubamerican the Movie, that has been a huge hit with Cuban audiences all over the country is now coming to Miami TV. I'm proud and very excited to share the details with you. I've been gushing about this film since the first time I saw it, but that's not important right now.To all my Miami ...