Today I am thankful... that my generous husband brings me along on his business trips so I can play while he works. ;-)I am winning, too. Did I mention I lead a charmed life? Did I further mention that drinks are FREE when you're playing? I may or may not have had 1 drink. Which in my case is one drink too many, but that's not ...
Archives for November 2009
Mixing business with pleasure
We're back on the road to Vegas this weekend, but let me tell you why... My blog-pal, Amy Arnaz, wife of my pastelito-loving friend, Desi Arnaz Jr. invited us to come and enjoy a special tribute concert this coming weekend at their beautifully renovated Historic Boulder Theatre. Yes, of course we're going. For three reasons: 1) The ...
Thankful – November 19
Today I am thankful for... Guava Cheesecake. (I know. Shut up.) In keeping with my personal celebration of National Guava Month, (it's kind of lonely out here on this limb - *crickets chirp*) I made this to-die-for Guava Cheesecake. And because I'm generous and cool that way, my recipe for this guavalicious wonder is posted today ...
Thankful – November 18
Today I am thankful ... that I can still teach my kids a few tricks. ;-) ...
Thankful – November 16
Today I am thankful... that my husband, Eric, works from home and that he has such a great sense of humor. Back story: He heard me coming down the stairs in the morning and put the Darth Vader helmet on and kept on working. Unfortunately for him, I went straight to the kitchen, made coffee, went outside to trim my roses - you get the ...
Celebrating National Guava Month (Oh, yes I am.)
It's a special Monday, Pre-Thanksgiving Edition of Marta's Cuban American Kitchen. I have been trying, without much success, to declare November "National Guava Month." Sadly, no one seems to take me seriously about this, but that's not important right now. I've taken up the cause on my own. And today I'm all ...
Thankful – November 15
There's so much that I have to be thankful for. There's a Facebook prompt going around now that reads like this: Every day this month until Thanksgiving, think of one thing that you are thankful for and post it as your status. "Today I am thankful for..." I invite you to take that challenge. If possible, see if you can also ...
Cuban Stress Cure
On Tuesdays: My son, Jonathan (13) is involved in Drama once again. This year they're doing a Broadway review - scenes from different Broadway musicals, which promises to be really fun and adorable. I have volunteered once again to coordinate their costumes. Just call me Mrs. Darby, Costume Goddess. (I may or may not make the kids actually ...
My Man, Ron
My husband, Eric and I, had a wonderful opportunity recently to visit a little ranch just north of the city of Santa Barbara, California. To get there, we had to drive up a winding, bumpy, one-lane road. I kept thinking that surely our guide had made some mistake. We were way too high and in a place that seemed wild and uninhabitable. Still the ...
Standing with Yoani
I have been blogging here about my big, fat, Cuban family totally at my leisure. I write about the everyday comings and goings in my little corner of the world and all it really costs me is $8.95 a month for TypePad's Pro Plus service. I have the supreme luxury of writing about anything that excites or amuses me at any given time. And I ...