We took the red-eye home from Honolulu.
It seemed like a good scheduling decision at the time.
I hadn’t planned on catching a cold in Hawaii, but that’s exactly what I did.
So I got home and I was over-tired from not being able to sleep on the flight and all feverish and achy and fussy.
Oh so fussy.
And in a foul, foul mood.
Yes, I know I can’t complain, after all, I just got back from Hawaii, blah, blah, blah.
But I was so cranky and sick and when I’m like that every glass seems half-empty. (I’m so embarrassed to admit that, but that’s sooo not important right now.)
The super long to-do list that I had made before I left was still sitting on my desk, not caring that I had no decent coping skills left.
I got overwhelmed.
I went outside to have a good, long I’m-feeling-so-sorry-for-myself cry.
But I was stopped dead in my tracks by these little beauties right here.
In my garden.
That I planted years ago.
And they’re BACK! AGAIN!
I love that they surprise me like this EVERY TIME.
I laughed out loud.
And I was grateful to be home and I’m starting to feel like my normal old self again. (Is that a good thing?) 😉
*They remind me of the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory where Gene Wilder takes the daffodil and uses it as a teacup.
(OPPORTUNITY TO PLAY THE KEVIN BACON GAME #3,175 – Gene Wilder to Kevin Bacon – go! =D)
Eureka! I got it!Gene Wilder was in Young Frankenstein with Peter Boyle who was in While You Were Sleeping with Bill Pullman who was in Sleepless in Seattle with Meg Ryan who was in Top Gun with Tom Cruise who was in A Few Good Men with, you guessed it: Kevin Bacon!
Feel better!
Totally dig it that you were cranky & filled w/ self pity (my personal fave in my own character defect list)on yr return from paradise – thank the good god I’m not the only hugely blessed but still ungrateful, hard to please mortal in the land… :>so glad you’re home – & oh my word, those daff’s are perfect. Of course they’ll be planted at heaven’s gate to start us out right: welcome to eternity!
Years ago, a local radio station put up an ad with their call letters in inflated balloon-type letters. One day, I was driving in to work on a very cold morning, quite ticked about something, complaining to my wife — and when we got there, the balloons had burst from the cold.That *still* makes me smile.
That was such an honest post . . . loved it. I adore daffodils, we get ours around late March here in Virginia. Tis’ a sign of hope. Glad to have you back . . .
I love the picture! I hope to get caught up on everyone’s blogs. I’ve been such a loser! Maybe even post tonight….I miss you! Hope your cold is better. Sorry I missed you last week…next time at the Rain Forest Café!
Gorgeous photo, Lucy!- Dad