This was taken at The Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens. Don’t we look pretty in pink? 😉
This is in the Japanese garden and I was seriously floored by how amazingly beautiful these cherry blossoms were. I just couldn’t understand why they would plant such a tranquil garden near such noisy power lines.
But wait . . . I quickly noticed . . . there were NO power lines anywhere near here.
Hmmm . . .
Yikes! The cherry blossoms were buzzing
. . . with BEES!!!
Really busy, noisy bees. An entire bee army. A whole stinkin’ WALL OF BEES.
Let’s get the heck out of here!!
Well, as soon as we finish taking the Darbys with the Pink Cherry Blossoms picture.
I might be completely freaked out, but my priorities remain intact. =D
Susan says
Lovely! And I want to wish you a very happy Fidel Castro Resignation Day!
Pam Pensiero says
What a beautiful picture! It’s just….spring is coming too fast! Where was Autumn and Winter? Each year it seems my favorite seasons get farther and farther apart….But, the picture takes my breath away!