Amy comes bouncing in and announces that her cousin, (my nephew) Michael is having a big party to celebrate his thirtieth birthday in February and that she’s thinking about going.
There’s just one small (geographic) problem . . .
Michael lives in South Miami Beach, Florida.
Amy: "I can leave on Friday, go to the party on Saturday and come home on Sunday!"
Eric’s (total First Born) response:
"Oooh, that’s a long way to go and a lot of money to spend for just a weekend in Miami."
Me (total Baby of the Family):
"Oooh, that sounds awesome! Can I come?" =D
Excellent! Give me a call (your mom has my #) when you know it’s for sure.
Bon Voyage, Baby-Girl! You are charming like a youngest; so where’s the bossiness come from? Or is that just part of the Cuban DNA? BTW, I consider bossiness a virtue!N
You can both stay at my house! That would be awesome!!!! =)(and you must call us when you’re here, we have to meet up for aunque sea un cafe con leche and tostada at Versailles.)
Point taken. Aargh!:)
Amanda,You’re on! I’m asking for that Friday off today so I should know by the end of the week if I’m actually coming or not!
For all you “Cubanas” who keep chatting in your comments about traveling, road trips, cafe con leche, tostadas, cutesy stuff, blah, blah, blah. From the rest of us who have to do a little something called WORK – you suck eggs.LOL.
I have work, but I might be coming down with something sometime in February that will require I take a sick day on a Friday. 😉