My mom just recently celebrated her . (It's still weird to say that.) As people do when they get older, she repeats stories that she particularly likes or maybe it's that the memory gets fresher as time passes. Either way, as her birthday approached, she would tell the story of her 15th birthday. In Cuba, as in other ...
The Things He’s Taught Me
It's my husband, Eric's birthday today. I don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but he's one of those people who is a natural-born teacher. He's a Search Marketing Guy in his real life, but I can confidently say that teaching is his real gift. (NOTE: Search Marketing is geek-speak for the guy who gets you on the ...
The Secret of Long Life
As many of you know, yesterday we celebrated my mom, Luza's 100th birthday. Thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes. I printed them all out and they're going in her newest scrapbook, but that's not important right now. When you reach a certain age, in this case, 100 years, people often ask, "So, what's your ...
The Birthday Adventure
Lucy's been in Hollywood for the past month. She's doing an Improv Intensive at Improv Olympics West and has been living up there during the week and coming home (briefly!) to do laundry, regroup for a day before she goes back on Sunday afternoon to prepare for the next week. Yesterday, (Sunday) was her twentieth birthday. (I know. It ...
This Guy.
Every year when birthdays come along, I pause and reflect. My own birthday doesn't bother me much, but the birthdays of my kids make me physically feel the rotation of the earth. It moves so crazy-fast! My son, Adam, is 27 years old today.I suppose I could tell you about all the great ways he's grown into the man he is today. (And he ...
21 Things I Know For Sure (with 37 years of experience)
Today I mark the 58th time the earth has gone around the sun with me on this planet. All that to say this: today's my birthday. My 58th birthday.It seems I should have, at this point in my life, acquired some wisdom to share. Or I could just write down some random thoughts... 21 Things I Know For Sure About Myself:People always respond ...
This guy.
I measure the passing of time and events by the ages of my kids. Maybe most mothers do that. I remember where I was and what year it was because what I remember is that "Amy was still in high school." Or "Adam had already moved away." Sometimes it's "that's when Lucy cut her hair short." The end of the year ...
Just Jon
I was hoping to have something profound to say about my youngest son, Jonathan turning 16 today. I wanted to compare and contrast the kid he was,to the man he's become.I wanted to write about what a decent person he's grown up to be. I wanted to tell you about the many qualities that he's developed that make him a great guy. ...
Marta’s Birthday Month®
I know. Everyone else celebrates their birthDAY. And some clever folks even celebrate Birthday Week, which I did, too, until I said to myself, "Self, we should try to see if we can drag out this birthday celebration stuff for the entire month of May." No, I don't really talk to myself that way....or maybe I do, but that's not ...
As you know, my mom, Luza, is 97 years old. She has four siblings who are all in their 90's, except for one... Her big brother just celebrated his 100th birthday in Miami this past weekend.Tio Fernando is one hundred years old. (I know. Shut up!) I don't know what genetic material these people are made of, I just hope I have a tenth of ...