Soooo, I decided that starting today instead of regaling you with stories of my lovely and delightful big, fat, Cuban family, I will from now on post only YouTube videos of Ukrainian rock bands. Enjoy. (It really picks up at about 2:47....wait for it.....) Feliz Dia de los Inocentes! I totally April-fooled you, didn't I? ...
Silly Things
Playing catch-up
I have been doing some spring cleaning here at MBFCF (and at home too, but that's not important right now). I've been making some slight changes that I've been meaning to get to for a while now.I made the body of the posts static instead of fluid - so the photos and type don't move around depending on the size of your screen ...
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s…the Astonishing Kind Philanthropist?
I had a lovely exchange with my 15 year old, Lucy (Blog Hijacker in Training) in which she told me that I was her hero. (I know. Shut up.) "You can do so much, Mom. You are fun to be with. You are so generous with your time...." She might have said more. I don't know because I was focusing so hard on keeping the tears from ...
Fantasy Island
If you were thinking this was going to be a post about a tv show from the 70's, ("de plane! de plane!") I'm sorry to disappoint. What happened was that Eric went to see our accountant yesterday and got the really, really bad news that we owe the IRS....well...a lot. (Our accountant just so happens to have his office in Newport ...
I’m not superstitious, but…
Isn't it bad enough that I have to tip-toe my way through yet another Friday the 13th in a span of 28 days?? I also have to deal with this creature crossing my path, back and forth, back and forth, a dozen times a day:Meet The Cat Bastet. Not just Bastet. Her full name is: The Cat Bastet. (I highly recommend that you read ...
I *heart* blogging or $8.95 well-spent
I've been blogging for about 2 1/2 years now.When I first started it was kind of a dirty-little-secret. I just didn't know how to explain it. So I didn't. But I know I was constantly looking for stories to tell. Maybe it was an age thing? Or an untapped (for me) creative outlet? I just know that as a ...
Barbie and the Nail Salon
I must apologize in advance for the following post. My brain is fried from all the recent creative output. Proceed at your own discretion.... ************************************************************* So, I'm sitting at my local nail salon getting my nails done (obviously) which requires me to sit still for a prolonged period ...
I feel the power.
8 superheroes.8 parents.240 grapes.1 murder. It was New Year's Eve at the National Superhero Convention.Sadly, the Blue Shadow had been found crushed to death before the convention started. It was up to the Incredible League of Superheroes to solve the crime. Back row: The Human Ape, Robotron, Supersleuth, The Brooder. Front row: Windstorm, ...
“Open me first!”
Back in the day, Kodak had a genius ad campaign for their sweetly priced Instamatic cameras. From around the early 60's and into the 70's their pre-Christmas ads would say something about marking the wrapped camera with a tag that said "Open me first!" Serious genius. So, you're probably thinking that this ...
Disney Celebration just for ME? (you shouldn’t have….) ;-) =D I feel so accidentally cool. (thanks, Helen!) ...