Eric took this photo from our backyard this morning. It feels just like it looks. Apocalyptic is the word that keeps coming to mind. The fires in Southern California are still raging. Again, we are not in immediate danger, but the fires are burning all around us. It is an understatement to say that the "air quality is ...
Current Affairs
What would you take?
Adam sent this to me yesterday via his phone with the message: "3 blocks away." I recognized the intersection immediately. My friend, Kristen lives at the end of that street and yes, they had to evacuate their home and are safe and staying with friends. (Thank you, God!) The story is the same all around us. My nieces in San ...
It was so much easier when they were little.
Back then I just had to worry about feeding and clothing and bathing and nurturing and kissing boo-boos and keeping the cat from being choked. (=D) Today there are fires burning everywhere in So Cal. Everywhere. There is a layer of ash on everything outside and we have been told to keep our windows shut tight. I don't think any fire ...
An MTV Generation
There is no way I can possibly come close to describing our trip to New York in September of 2001 with the same eloquence that Mom did, so I won't even try. What I can tell you is how it affected me. Being in New York at that time and then transitioning back to reality was a moment in my life when I felt genuine purpose. I knew that God had ...
September, 2001
Here we are. Amy and I. Six years ago we took a trip to New York. This photo was taken in September of 2001 in Times Square in New York City. It was taken exactly two weeks after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Only two weeks. American flags were proudly flown EVERYWHERE. The city was overrun with rescue workers from all over the country ...
Bilingual Lollygagging…
Personal Electoral Nostalgia: I became an American citizen on April 17, 1975. I voted in my first presidential election the following year. No, I did not vote for the peanut farmer, but I did stop in Plains, Georgia while traveling cross country at the time, and bought some Billy Beer, just to say I did. I have been proud to ...
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." ~ Edmund Burke Do something good today. Go vote. Then get on your knees and thank God for that amazing privilege. ...