Nothing delights me more than to find other like-minded Cuban Cubiches.
I remember when I was growing up here in Southern California and other Cubans were hard to come by. It was always a big deal to find out someone was Cuban. Like finding buried treasure.
Speaking of treasure, I want to share with you a fabulous podcast based out of Miami (where else?) I recently discovered.
Well, full disclosure: They actually found me and we had a really fun conversation about everything having to do with My Big Fat Cuban Family and being a West Coast Cuban. (<–Does that make me sound taller?)
The podcast is called, and it’s full of all kinds of pop culture and all kinds of Cubanity and some wonderful guests – that’s where I come in. (Shut up. I know.)
I had the pleasure of chatting with them on the afore-mentioned 25th Episode. I come in at about the 27:45 mark. Not that I think you should skip the first 27 minutes or anything. I’m just pointing it out because you might spend 27 minutes wondering where I am and who needs that kind of anxiety in their life. Am I right?
You can find DJ & Ish, in all the places where the best podcasts are found (see links below). Now do yourself a favor and add them to your Favorite Podcasts List like I just did.
Google Play:
Sound Cloud:
These guys have become my newest insta-friends. (Which, go on and follow them on Instagram too, because Cuban.)
I loved spending time with them and was humbled to be a part of their 25th Episode. And yes, I am now hyper-aware that I say, “You know…” in a Valley-girlish California accent more times than I care to admit, but such is life. You know? (See what I did there?)
We shared all the chismes having to do with having a Big Fat Cuban Family and what it’s like craving pastelitos when you’re 3000 miles away from Miami. (Spoiler: I make them! Also, here’s the link to the recipe. You’re welcome.) And why people might think it’s not okay to kiss someone when you first meet them. You know, because Cuban. (I did it again!)
You should totally have a listen, because 1) They’re smart and funny, and oh, so delightful. and 2) I totally sound taller on the radio. Ya tu sabes.
Thanks for having me on, DJ & Ish! I had a great time. Also, guys, if you find yourselves in Southern California, aqui tienen su casa.
Oh, the Cubanity!
Also, if you listen to the podcast, you’ll probably be craving Arroz con Pollo by the end of it. So, here’s the link to that recipe, too. Because I’m a giver that way. Arroz con Pollo de Perez-Puelles Recipe.
Buen Provecho! And thanks for listening.
Marta, there is this link for anyone who wants to download the show to an mp3 player (without setting up an account). Some of us need to be bribed to go to the gym and allow ourselves to listen to podcasts ONLY IF WE ARE ON THE TREADMILL.