I have to start with a full disclosure here: I didn't really know much about Doctor Strange when I heard that this movie was going to be made. This character didn't seem to me to fit into the general Marvel Cinematic Universe. But if I have learned one lesson from Marvel, it is to TRUST. Time and time again they've managed to surprise and amaze ...
Archives for November 2016
My Big Fat Cuban Family Cookbook Giveaway
Happy November, everyone! I have to confess that I've been a slacker. I have a few more sponsor giveaways that I was going to offer in my 10th Blogiversary Month of October. Obviously that didn't happen. I did host 4 fabulous giveaways so far, (the winners have already been chosen) but I have a few more to go. Do I have an excuse for my ...
Disney’s Princess Moana is Fierce
Walt Disney Animation Studios has done it again. No one is surprised, of course. When the Disney animators take on a project, they commit heart and soul. That's why Disney films are all instant classics. It's in their DNA.I had the pleasure of getting a sneak peek at the making of MOANA and spending a day with the crew who brought her to ...
Doctor Strange Brings Magic to the Marvel Cinematic Universe
I have to begin with a confession: Marvel brings out the Nerdiest Nerd in me. So when I was invited to a pre-screening of the new Marvel Doctor Strange movie recently I was prepared to let my Nerdy Self come out and play. You can then imagine what the press junket was like with a room full of Marvel Nerdy Nerds. (<--That should be a legit ...