You’re all invited to my Online Blog Birthday Party. It’s happening right here, right now. Well, technically it’s not a party party.
As in, I won’t be having you all come over to my house and I won’t be cooking or decorating or any of that. Which is making you think this won’t be much of a party after all. I know. I feel your pain, but bear with me.
I still want to celebrate. And I want you all to join in the fun.
And as much as I would LOVE to have a big, fat, Cuban party to celebrate my 9 years in the blogsphere, it’s kind of logistically, not to mention gastronomically challenging, so let’s do the next best thing.
A giveaway! I’m celebrating my 9th year of Blogging Awesomeness with A Cuban Food Poster Giveaway!
Wait! How about I give away NINE (9!) posters? One for each of my 9 bloggy-wonderful years. Yes. I love that plan. Let’s do this.
In honor of my 9th blogging anniversary, which I technically celebrated on October 1st, (but that’s not important right now) I’m going to give away 9 of my Cuban Food Posters.
That’s right! Your favorite Cuban foods in one elegant poster.
I have NINE (9!) 11″ x 14″ posters printed on high quality photo stock. They have a black background with white lettering and some distressing for an aged texture. The poster is printed on heavyweight premium luster paper with archival fade-resistant inks. And, of course, can be found over at my Etsy Shop.
(In case you are impatient and can’t wait to see if you won and would like to order your own, please go visit marta darby designs on Etsy.
To enter this drawing for a chance to win one of nine 11″x14″ Cuban Food Posters, please leave a comment on this post and tell me:
- What’s your favorite Cuban food?
- Who cooks it the best?
Tell me.
Please leave your comment on this post and I’ll choose NINE (9!) winners on Tuesday, October 6th, 2015 at 11 am PST.
Good Luck and Buen Provecho!
I have two favorite Cuban meals, carne con papa y boliche!! I could eat both of those meals everyday. With a side of tamal. My Abuela used to make them the best. I miss her and her cooking everyday. I inherited her "Cocina Criolla" book and make some of the recipes from time to time. Now that I live in NYC it’s a bit more difficult to find certain ingredients. In Miami it was so easy!!
I would LOVE one of these posters to hang in my kitchen! Thank you and I love you blog!!
I would love to have one of those for my cocina! Lol
Favorite is Picadillo, and my mother may she rest in peace cooked it the best
Favorites: My Cuban brother in law’s (born in Cienfuegos) picadillo; my mom’s boliche. And I love your blog!
My favorite is congri . I learned to make it by trial and error. Jorge tastr tesyed until it was the way he remembered his mama made it.
FELICIDADESSS!! My fav is probably one of the most "traditional" but to me there is nothing better than unos moro y cristianos (congri) with puerco asado! Yummy!! Aguacte, yuccita,..i wont continue to make our mouths water! 🙂
Arroz Amarillo con pollo and mom made the best I ever had , and I have had many !
My mom’s empanadillas! Made the Puerto Padre way!
White rice and black beans!! And one of my aunts made the best tostones ????
Tostones baby by me!
Keep up the good work!
Ajiaco baby!
To answer your question, tHe best Cuban food was made by Abuela Benita- everything she cooked was amazing, but her " vaca frita" was to die for! Thanks for your blog- I love reading it, there are so many similar anecdotes to my childhood, with mi familia! Also, my kitchen really needs your poster! Take care!
My favorite?! That’s too hard! Maybe Mami’s arroz con pollo or Tia Mercedita’s carne con papas. Or could it be my madrina’s croquetas. So lucky to have grown up with all of it! Love your blog! Already have a spot picked out for my poster. xoxo
Mi comida cubana favorita es la ropa vieja. ¿La mejor que la cocina? Mi hija mayor, Claudia Beatriz. ¡Le queda riquíííísima! ¡Muchas felicidades en su noveno aniversario! Apenas la descubrí este año y espero ser fiel a su página por una "eternidad". ¡Enhorabuena!
Doesn’t get any better then white rice, black beans and a Cuban steak with a banana. Love my Cuban Roots
Absolutely love your blog. Would love a poster. Nothing like being a Cuban. Thanks for all your recipes.
My favorite Cuban food,Ropa vieja, home made of course.My grandmothers was the best.I learned how to make it from Her.Now my niece Rachel who lives in Boston ,calls me for step by step instruction and does a great job She sends me pictures and I have to say she can pull off a great oneLove your blog Congratulations on 9 years Keeping our Cuban roots alive
Ropa vieja y mi abuela la cocinaba mejor que nadie.
My favorite cuban food is congris, lechon y yuca con mojo. My mom cooks it the best!!
Absolutely luv your blog!!! Happy 9th bloggaversary ???? here’s to many more years
Arroz con Pollo made by my grandmother. Love it!Happy 9th Blogging Anniversary, Marta!
Ropa Vieja. And I like the one I make which is my grandmothers recipe!
Pero who doesn’t love una buena vaca frita?! My abuela did it best! I loooooove your blog! It’s my very own Cuban chicken soup for my soul!
Ugh having to choose just one dish I love is hard! But I definitely love Cuban sandwiches the best. Nobody makes them better than my mom! She used to have a deli in Yonkers, NY and she even had some customers who drove from Connecticut and Jersey for her Sandwiche Cubano!
First of all I want to congratulate you on your success as a blogger, wonderful cook, great storyteller, etc etc etc. My favorite dish is Camarones enchilados with white rice and tostones. I learned to make from my Abuela, RIP and everyone always ask me to make it for special occasions. I got one of your posters last year but I would love to win one and give it to my sister who lives in PA and is a fan of your blog too. Continued success!!
Favorite Cuban food??? So many that I love. Arroz con pollo, ropa vieja, lechón And im Crazy a our Yuca con mojo! I Cook them but ice taught my Mexican husband and he cooks great. I’m a Cubanita!!
Happy online blog birthday!!!!!! My favorite dish is a good garbanzo potaje with the works (col,calabaza, ham hocks), my mom Trina does it the best !!! Con mucho amor
Love the new look.My favorite is Vaca Frita. I married a Cuban man and taught myself using several of your recipes. So I’ve never had anyone else cook Cuban food for me.
I love arroz con pollo it is favorite Cuban food , with that sticky yellow rice it is delicious and who cooks it perfect Me of course my whole family loves it.
One of my favorite Cuban dishes is boliche relleno which my Abuela made the best. Congratulations on your nine years! It was a blessing to find your blog since my Abuela passed away before I was married and she didn’t leave recipes behind. She cooked with love from memory. In your blog I have found some recipes that have brought back that love! Thank you!!
My husband is from Havana, just celebrated his 57th birthday Oct. 1st. I am of Italian / Irish decent from Baltimore, Md. and grew up a pasta eating kid. I finally gave it a shot and prepared a Arroz Con Pollo for my husband. It is my favorite cuban dish. Well it took a while, but with patience over the next couple of years, he says it’s great. I do use beer in my recipe which gives it a tangy yummy taste. I don’t ever ask him if it’s better than his mom’s because we all know mom’s is the best .
My favorite would have to be pan con bistec with a jupina on the side. This to me says I’m back in Hialeah. The best is from a whole in the wall in Hialeah, that’s no longer there…..I have a new favorite though that’s close to my house in gringo Florida.
Hola! Love your blog! Congrats! Poster looks really cool. I would love to win one to hang in my kitchen! Here’s a Cuban who cooks with a dash of Chilean (after 24 years of marriage). It’s a good combination of flavors specially during the Holidays. An idea for your blog: "Cuban plus more" – "Cuban Gone International" – the mixing of Cuban cuisine with international gastronomies. Explore!
Love your blogs. They remind me of my mom, who passed away 2 years ago. Your blogs make me smile.
I love this, have a spot already picked out that would fit perfect,, 🙂 my favorite food would be all but camarones enchiladas,frijoles negros , my Mima cooks them the best….
Congratulations! You’ve won! Please send me an email with HEY MARTA! I WON STUFF ON YOUR BLOG! in the subject line (so I won’t delete it). Be sure to include your mailing address so I can get your poster out to you ASAP!
Papa rellena! My mom was the best Cuban cook ever. She cooked with lots of olive oil, comino and love. I miss her.
Love your blog! I love Cuban food! My favorite is Lechon Asado made by my brother in law and Camarines Enchilados made by my husband’s aunt. I would love to have your poster!!
I love your blog. My favorite food is Ropa Vieja and my Papi used to make it the best! I make it for company with maduros or chicharritas. Your poster would look great in my kitchen! It will remind me to make tostones, yuca frita, and picadillo more often! Congratulations on your 9th year blogging!
I love the blog and the poster is awesome!
Ah, Cuban food!! My favorite would have to be a croqueta preparada. My abuela, Mima, would make the best ones! Along with the best flan, OMG! I love your blog because the recipes are handy in making delicious food for my Puerto Rican husband 🙂
Enchilado de camaronnes. My mother in law!
Arroz con pollo, my grandmother. Love the new look of the site!! ????????
Just one favorite? ¿Estas loca? How can I do that? Ropa vieja, frijoles negro, tostones, aguacates, batudio de mamey, brazo gitano, capuchinos, pastel de guayaba, tocino de cielo, vaca frita, fufu, lechon asado, arroz con pollo, potajes de any flavor…aye chica, there isn’t enough space. And who cooks it all best? Well, I learned from my Mami…so me! Today’s menu, chicharo con arroz blanco and banana slices drizzled with olive oil y empanadas con picadillo, ensalada, pan y in flan de coco. Buen provecho y’all.
Picadillo con arroz amarillo con maiz made by my Mami. It’s a weird combination, but oh so yummy!
Hi Marta, who could pick one food? My abuelo’s tocino de cielo, my abuela’s chicken soup, my papi’s over the top Christmas back beans? Alas I only have my 97 year old grandmother left, so now I am cooking for her, today I am feeling ajiaco as it is cool and rainy 🙂 I love your website and your big cuban family because it reminds me so much of mine!
What a hard question, my favorite Cuban food.I love a good Ajiaco, my mom made it great.Croquetas by my Tia Carmina were the best ever. A good congri, the real one, made with red beans. I make a great one.I love good Cuban food and can’t just one as a favorite. Congratulations on your Nine Years.
Arroz Con Pollo is my absolute favorite Cuban Food and Imbelieve that I make it the best! I would love to have one of your posters for my kitchen. I am a huge fan and I would like to think that I am responsible for sharing your blog/recipes with my friends in Tampa. Keep up the great work!!
I love the way my mom makes Arroz Con Pollo.
We are a community, no matter how spread out we are, he can’t keep us apart. Love, laughter and the knowledge that there is always one of us spiritually nearby. Thank you for providing this forum.
Arroz con leche cooked by my mom with my grandmother’s recipe. The best! – Alyssa Revuelta
Ropa Vieja! My Grandmother cooked it the best. She was from Cuba and I LOVE my Cuban roots!! Choosing one favorite Cuban dish is hard. There are many. Arroz con Pollo is always a favorite too! Miss her…
My mom makes the best ropa vieja. Her and my grandma are the ones that came to the U.S. so they grew up learning and eating authentic Cuban. I was born here, so I cook some Cuban mixed in with some of everything else, lol. I wish I had my mom’s cooking skills. Hey birthday, her 50th, is just in 7 days. If I win this poster I would gift it to her (as much as I want it for myself and my kids;). She just moved to a new house and this would be such a cool gift. Although I can already hear my abuelita …. Que! Y el mío? ….lol, I love my Cuban family!
Caldo Gallego, my Tia Dalia
Happy 9th Blogversary! How can I only pick one when my grandmother was la reina en la cocina. I would say my two favorite where Arroz con Pollo and her Flan de Calabaza. I learned to make her Arroz con Pollo but as tasty as hers but I never got the recipe for the Flan de Calabaza. I especially miss it during this time of year.
I love all Cuban food! However my favorite is Vaca Frita made by my Mom of course. 😉
Good morning Marta,If I had to pick one meal, it would be arroz con pollo that my grandmother used to make for us. She was an excellent cook. No matter what she made it always tasted great.
Congratulations on your ninth year of blogging! First off….I treasure this wonderful expression of passionate Cuban specialties and have it on display in my kitchen. My husband is Cuban and as an Italian-American wife, I was determined to make the foods he grew up with. Your FB and Blog has been an inspiration for me and I thank you for that! It is so hard to pick just one favorite but maybe I can inspire Marta to make a second poster which includes papa rellena, empanadas, flan, bocaditos, tamale and cafe con leche! Best of luck to you and thank you again!!!
This is truly hard……so many dishes I would choose,but in the end, my cook is the best ever. My Reina is Mima, my 91 year old mom. She can truly bang out Boliche like no nobody’s business.
Cafe con leches y pan cubano!!!My Abuela does it the best! ????❤
Rope Vieja and my Tia!
Vaca Frita – my mother made it best! I so miss her cooking!
My favorite is a tie between boliche and ropa vieja. And of course, my Abuela Elsie cooks it the best! 🙂
Que Rico! Missing my favorites here in Georgia! Can’t wait to get back to Miami for a visit!
Hello Marta! Again hard to pick one thing! All Cuban food is soooo good! My mom was a wonderful cook! I miss her so much! I should have gotten get recipies written down! From her Vaca Frita to her Arroz con pollo, and frijoles…..she was awesome!!! I love your poster! It would bring some Cuban to my kitchen!!!
Congratulations! You’ve won! Please send me an email with HEY MARTA! I WON STUFF ON YOUR BLOG! in the subject line (so I won’t delete it). Be sure to include your mailing address so I can get your poster out to you ASAP!
Please pick me 🙂 Maria Fornicola
I have many favorites, but, I’ll pick one…Ropa Vieja,,,hecha por mi madre que a los 92 anos todavia cocina…
Ropa Vieja and since my Mama is no longer around my mom now makes the best Rooa Vieja. 🙂
I love all Cuban food. My favorite is empanadas and I like the way I make them best!
Guayaba pastries, of course grandma makes them the best. She helped me make them for a cooking video for spanish class in high school which ended with, buen provecho! <3
Rabo. And me
Picadillo! And nothing comes close to how my mother makes it xoxo
Already drooling but I loved my ex mother in laws beans… frijoles Negro, Chicharo, garbanzo…. now this pregnant girl has cravings that is 800 miles away.
My favorite would be ropa vieja, con tostones o yuca y ensalada de aguacate!! Y nadie más que mi mama, que en paz descanse…
Felicidades Marta! My Mami was the most incredible cook and everything she made was delicious. Esa comidita Cubana de Mami. Como estraño a mi madrecita. How difficult to choose only one thing. I would have to say Mami’s frigoles negros were like no other, con arroz blanco, pollo asado y maduritos. Oh don’t forget una lasca de guayaba con queso blanco. I would love to have your poster hanging in my cosina. Cariños from Ileana
Congratulations! You’ve won! Please send me an email with HEY MARTA! I WON STUFF ON YOUR BLOG! in the subject line (so I won’t delete it). Be sure to include your mailing address so I can get your poster out to you ASAP!
Love love love this idea! Great poster representing who we are. Would love to have one to pass down to the the next generation.
Congratulations! You’ve won! Please send me an email with HEY MARTA! I WON STUFF ON YOUR BLOG! in the subject line (so I won’t delete it). Be sure to include your mailing address so I can get your poster out to you ASAP!
Ay I had just posted pero I was just thinking of some great buñuelos, ("los numero ochos") my abuela used to make. THE GREATEST!
My favorite Cuban food is "Carne Asada" cooked by my "abuelita" years ago.
There is nothing like the fricase de Pavo my grandmother used to make on on Sansgivin with her frijoles negros and yuca! Yum! Her way of cubanizing an American holiday.
Ropa Vieja for sure. No, wait….Arroz con Huevos Fritos. Yes.
No…hang on….Flan. Yep. That’s it.
Unless there are Albondigas.
I so love everything about this! Love ur recipes, family pix & etsy store….
Mi querida Abuelita Digna, que en paz descanse, fue mí mentor en la cosina y antes de casarme a los 23 años, pues como yo todavía vivía con mis padres y mis abuelos como toda buena Cubana, I would stand by the stove every evening as she prepared dinner with my pad & pen feverishly writing every detail, as u well know nothing gets measured so my notes call for una tapita de orégano, una latica de agua & so on …to this day, I am now in my 50’s, I still recall those days with much love & have even framed one of her hand written recipies, I will forever treasure it.I’m sorry, I digress. …to answer your question I love el TOSTÓN …my lovely grandmother who passed away @ home with us at the age of 102, was the QUEEN of Tostones & she only taught ME how to make them her special way!! I hold the family secret & receive request to make her Tostones because I make them just like la abuela Digna, Who I am privileged to be named after….♡Your beautiful poster would be a lovely addition to my Cuban kitchen here in Kentucky!
I blame Abuela Bersabe for my right hip and Bergenline Ave for my left. My favorite Cuban food is quite difficult to narrow down- but if I were an inmate eligible for a last meal it would be bistec empanizado con cebollitas, moros, y tostones.
Abuela made it best, of course, and guarded her recipes. When she fell ill with breast cancer, I was 17 years old and la única nieta de todos los nietos. Worried that guests who would arrive to visit her wouldn’t be fed, she guided me through her recipes from her bed. She taught me what I know, and what she didn’t have time to, I look up in her copy of the treasured Cocina Criolla book by Nicxa Viapol. To this day, the best compliment I can receive is "cocinas igualita a tu abuela." They exaggerate of course, as I am a distant second.
Congratulations! You’ve won! Please send me an email with HEY MARTA! I WON STUFF ON YOUR BLOG! in the subject line (so I won’t delete it). Be sure to include your mailing address so I can get your poster out to you ASAP!
Ropa vieja is my absolute favorite and my Abuela makes it the very best!
Congratulations! You’ve won! Please send me an email with HEY MARTA! I WON STUFF ON YOUR BLOG! in the subject line (so I won’t delete it). Be sure to include your mailing address so I can get your poster out to you ASAP!
My favorite, Vaca Frita, congri y plátanos (bien) maduros. Mi abuela QEPD! Happy Velarde birthday, no need to party, "que te quiten lo bailao"!
Congratulations! You’ve won! Please send me an email with HEY MARTA! I WON STUFF ON YOUR BLOG! in the subject line (so I won’t delete it). Be sure to include your mailing address so I can get your poster out to you ASAP!
My Mom and I are huge fans of your blog…Keep em coming!!!
Hi MartaRoja Vieja with arroz Blanco. My all time favorite. My husband loves that I finally mastered to recipe. His mom use to make it so I’m happy I can do it for him now.
My favorite is Picadillo con aceitunas arroz blanco frigoles negros y una banana. No one cooked like my mami. She cooked until the week before she passed away last week. She was 93. Can’t believe I will never again taste all her wonderful Cuban dishes again.
I love moros cristianos the way my mom makes it is best! Everything mami makes us Cuban goodness. Unfortunately she is sick and has been unable to cook so it’s been a while. I stead I’m learning so I can cook for her. Last,week I learned how to make Crema de Malanga. ¡Delicioso!
Ropa Vieja is my absolute favorite comfort food and no one makes it better than my mom did. I love adding a little platanito to each bite. Que rico!
Picadillo Bistec Empanizado Arroz Relleno
Arroz con pollo a La chorrera, made by my grandmother (nana mena)On rainy Sundays at my grandparents farm in Yateras.Plus maduros and avocados.
It’s difficult to pick just one…..but pernil asado, moros y cristianos, maduros o tostones, yuca con mojo…..Unfortunately, the one who cooked it best, my Mom, is no longer with us. I think about her everyday.
I love Platanos Maduros! My great grandmother made them when I was a little girl and they were out of this world. I called her "la viejita de los platanos maduros!"
I have two memories, one from each of my parents, to share.
My mom would make the most amazing boliche. She added potatoes that slowly cooked along with the sauce and meat. It was served over the fluffiest white rice and accompanied with a tossed green salad. There was always a special side plate of perfectly sliced aguacate drizzled with olive oil, vinegar and a sprinkling of salt. I remember how amazing the whole house smelled when that boliche was cooking.
My dad loved Easter and all the food that went with it. He made un pargo asado on Good Friday. It was amazing and the whole fish always turned out moist and oh so flavorful. He would also make for Easter frituras de bacalao. My dad became well known for his recipe. He would make large batches of his mix and package it sending friends home with some to make on their own. I remember the laughter and chatter in the kitchen while he was frying up batches of frituras.
Ajiaco is my fave Cuban dish accompanied by frituritas de malanga. My mom makes it the best of course!! It’s especially tasty to warm me up during the NJ winters!
Marta,Marta, Marta! Felicidades on blogging 9 years! Lucky us! My mom made the best arroz con pollo and then, of course, un flan to complete the experience. She has been gone now for over 18 yrs… 🙁 I’m trying to make her proud with my flan, she taught me well.????????❤️
Tasajo!!! Love love love it!!! My aunt cooked it the best but she’s older now and I never got the recipe from her!
My favorite Cuban food is Arroz con pollo and my grandmother Elsa made it the best.
My favorite Cuban food is picadillo with the little cubed fried potatoes and white rice. It was my go to dish whenever I came home to Abuela Cuba’s house. Yes, her name was Cuba de la Caridad Ruiz. An amazing woman, mom, grandma & greatgrandma.
Arroz con huevos frito, Moros y Cristianos, carne asada, platanos maduros, cubano sándwich I could go on but I’ll stop there. My Mom was the best cook but now that she’s older she doesn’t cook but I married a wonderful cook he’s the next he’s the next best cook I know.
Congratultions,love.your blog,keeping our roots.My favorite cuban food is levhon adado en.pua,con el pellejito bien tostao,and the classic congris oriental, from oriente.remember when.i was a child,and all the family.was together celebrating something.we just recently bought.our house, that poster for my Cuban kitchenplease.
Estella Arredondo Chavez ¡Ay me olvide de poner mi nombre en el comentario anterior.
Masitas fritas! My mom cooks it the best!
Carne con papa! My Mami of course!
My favorite Cuban food is arroz con picadillo. My mom and grandmother made it best.
LOVE my mama’s frijoles negros and coconut caramelos. YUMM-O ????
Love all my Cuban food & this poster makes me hungry !!!! Love it !!!! Want it !!!! ????????
My beloved Abuela made my favorite carne con papas ever!
My mama makes the best Vaca Frita ! Yummmmmmmo
Fricase de Pavo! Dads favorite
My sister cooks it best since my mom passed away!
My daughter is teaching her friends at grad school about Cuban food. She makes amazing empanadas.
My grandma is the best cook. It doesn’t matter what she makes, she says its so good because she makes it with love. I am little by little learning the dishes so I can make them for my kids. With alll the love she made it with for us.
Lechon y yuca
My favorite Cuban food is Vaca Frita. My hubby makes it the best.
My favorite Cuban food is Vaca Frita. My hubby makes it the best.
So excited hope I win ! My favorite Cuban Food is Fricase de Pollo. I taught my husband when we first got married and 25 years later he makes it better than me 🙂
My favorite is Bolillo Asado con Papas. My aunt made it the best. I haven’t had it in over 25 years. My second favorite is Carne con Papas. My daughter makes it the best.
Arroz con pollo. And I cook it best.
Lentejas! Mi suegra linda ❤️
Have admired, enjoyed and relived my own cuban-american childhood through your blog! Besitos xoxoxo
My favorite Cuban food is ropa vieja con arroz blanco, frijoles negros y maduros.My Cuban ex mother in law made it the best. I now make it for my family.
My favorite meal is Vaca Frita, tostones and black beans and rice are my favorite and my Grandmother Maria used to make it the best! She made the best Cuban food ever and miss it everyday.
My favorite Cuban food by far is picadillo con papipas. My Mami makes the best picadillo in the entire world.
My favorite Cuban food is ropa vieja and I like the way I make it the best! Even my in laws love this dish. I can still hear my father in law saying "Oh, are we having rags for dinner?"
Try making empanadas out of your leftover (as if!) ropa die for!
My favorite chef was Mi Tata (abuela Maria). Amazing meals every night. Awesome comfort food would be picadillo con papas, no raisins. Thanks for asking, Cecilia
Ropa Vieja is the food of the Gods and Goddesses. A fork full with some rice and beans and a little Maduro and you can hear the angels sing. Nothing beats grandmas cooking, but Amor Cubano in NYC comes close.
[please, please me, me with some pastelitos
Bistec Empanizado with rice and black beans. My Madrina used to make it best now that she is gone no one has been able to duplicate her recipe. So sad. Btw, love your blog, which I just joined, and I made the cake flan. My family really enjoyed it!
My mother makes the best Cuban arroz con pollo ever; although, she’ll refute that. A little Bojol, a little this and that and a can of Budweiser to kill it. Mmmmm! Cheers, to my Mami!
My most favorite Cuban food is ropa vieja with white rice and plátanos maduros or boniato. My mom was the best in making this but since she’s passed , My comadre makes it the best to the point that both of my sons request it all the time. ????
I just recently found your blog. I pinned your poster and sent it to my sister. We both cried. My favorite Cuban food is Arroz con Pollo and Yuca con Mojo, made best by mi abuela Mirtha que en paz descanse…..
My abuelita (RIP) made an amazing sopa de frijolies blanco. Never seen it anywhere and I don’t have a recipe, have to figure it out! Congrats on the new site, very nice.
I have many favorites. But something I am always asking my Abuelita to make is her red beans. Oh I eat about two bowl. Haha! Love it!
I love black beans and rice. I no longer live in Florida so I learned to make it and it is quite good. I also love Arroz con pollo and the chef at Columbia Restaurant makes a great dish. I am really enjoying your blog and recipes!
I love Ropa Vieja. I’ve eaten some very delicious Ropa Vieja at various Cuban restaurants, but I will someday make it and it will be my family’s favorite!
Arroz con pollo imperial. My mami cooked it the best(epd). Now I guess I cook it the best because she taught me how 🙂
Congratulations and "Thank you" for the memories you bring up with your blog. All my childhood memories revolve around family and the dining room table. My mother and all her brothers and sisters (8) were great cooks. They would make all the traditional menus but, for us kids, they always incluyed a special treat: tortilla de plátanos maduros, frituritas de malanga o bacalao, boniaticos rellenos con ropa vieja or tasajo, etc and of course desserts!
Congratulations! You’ve won! Please send me an email with HEY MARTA! I WON STUFF ON YOUR BLOG! in the subject line (so I won’t delete it). Be sure to include your mailing address so I can get your poster out to you ASAP!
In my family Moros and Bistec Empanizado…or Arroz con Huevo Frito, Bistec Empanizado y Papitas Fritas and or Platanos Maduros and to finish off un Flancito…My Mother was the "Moro Queen" ! Unfortunately she is no longer with us and we miss her and her cooking very much.Love your Blog and all the wonderful recipes!Keep up the great work!!
Favorite Cuban food?! Come on there’s so many! Croquetas from Islas Canarias in Miami, everything my grandmother, Aba, used to make…. Macarrones, pollo a la villeroy, ensalada de pollo, pastel de guayaba, soap de pollo!
Conch Fritters from my Cuban grandmother who lived in Key West Fl.
Arroz con Pollo a la chorrera. My Mom made the best!!
Vaca Frtia at Versailles Restaurant on 8 Street !! with black beans, rice and maduros !!!Estela
Felicidades por su blog!! El mejor chef mi esposo Rolando! Frituritas de bacalao y tostones! Arroz con pollo! Puerco! Todo!! Suerte!!Alesia Martorell
Oh Marta, picking a favorite Cuban food is like picking your favorite child …. you just can’t do it! But if I have to choose one thing that gets my "feels" going is our Noche Buena feast: Cuban tamales, lechon, tostones, yuca and congris. And Mom and Dad would prepare it together, starting early that morning. By the time me and my sibs would get up, the house would be filled with the beautiful aroma of lechon. Awww…memories.
Happy anniversary Marta! Here’s to many, many more!!
OH, I want one of these posters soo bad! My father grew up in Cuba and I’m hoping to make my first trip this year to meet some more of my family! these posters list my FAVORITE foods, pastelitos de guyaba and arroz con camerones. My Abuela makes the BEST Cuban food, and of course Vicky’s bakery in Hileah!
Flan y tostones…, que rico!
Maduros, vaca frita y flan! Mi madre los preparaba mejor que nadie, por supuesto!!
Ropa vieja….made by my Mami 🙂
I’d to anything for VACA FRITA!
I absolutely love your poster!!! Mi mama is the best cook ever….she grew up cooking in her families finca in Cuba and learned to cook for over 50 workers. So still to this day…she doesn’t know how to cook for a few people…lol. My favorite cuban food is Boliche (stuffed by the local market with hamon, chorizo, etc) and congre…my mother makes it for me every birthday. And I also like platano hervido con aceite oliva. Yummy!!!
My favorite is bistec empanizafo. My mami made it the best. I miss her and her cooking every day. My speciality is arroz con pollo a la chorrera. Que rico! Today i am making a flan for my youngest daughter’s cumpleanos. By request.
I have to say that its Frijoles negros, Arroz blanco con Bistec empanizado y Plantanos maduros. My mother made the best!! Wish I listen to her and watch her make it because now we all (in the family) would have liked to have her recipe! Also her amazing Papas rellenas would never make it to the table because my two brothers and I would snatch it from the plate as soon as mom would place them hot and all! Oh, and her natilla, well we couldn’t wait for it to cool off in the fridge. We miss Mom dearly! Love the memories!Joanne
My favorite dish was Mamá’s arroz con leche! ¡DELICIOSO! P.S. Mamá was was grandmother, not my mom. That’s Mami. Unfortunately, Mami’s arroz con leche is not nearly as good as Mamá’s.
My favorite Cuban food is pernil, with congri.. I make it the best.. I learned from my great grandma and now I’m in the process of starting a small business in Louisiana..! Im building a kitchen in a small cabin and I’ve got my permits to build.. Still working on the money needed.. I would love one of these to put in it..!
Papa Rellena!!!! Who cooks it the best—–My wife, Christine (who by the way is Irish)
I love my abuela’s chicharo in a bowl con ropa vieja y arroz blanco. Its been my favorite dish since I was very tiny.
My favorite Cuban food is what my father (the cook in our family) made for Christmas every year – pernil, Moros y Christianos, tostones, y ensalada de aquacate. Now I make it for Christmas every year, and when the house is perfumed with the roast pork, I expect to find him in the kitchen even though he passed away five years ago. Nobody made it better than he did, nobody.
Sopa de platanos. My aunt makes it and it’s amazing.
Mi Cubanita my favorite dish is arroz con pollo con platano maduros made by my Mima who has hands and a heart of gold. To this day hers is top notch. And her natilla is to die for!!!!
Hola!!! My one of my favorite Cuban foods … I have many, but my all time favorite is Brazo Gitano! My mother in law used to make me one every year for my birthday. Sadly, we lost Elvira last April. I will try to carry on the tradition …. Next year.
My favorite is croquetas del hamon w/arroz com congri. My husband, who’s polish/french canadian and loves all Cuban food, favorite is arroz con pollo. I learn from my Father and Mother, who are both great cooks how to make a great arroz con pollo. I would love to win the poster and give it to my sister as a gift.
My favorite is Rabo Encendido made by my momLove your recipes and love the poster
My mom makes the best frijoles negros. I mean, they’re so good, its not even fair to anyone else making them.
My mom made the best empanadas and papa rellenas….
My mother, Amparo Salgado, may she rest in peace, made the best cuban food. It was her gift. She could cook a shoe and you would eat it, lick the juice running down your elbows, and then ask for the other. I grew up on the best food! Cuban! My favorite is Ropa Vieja, white rice, sweet platanos, and a salad. So delicious! I love everything about cuban food, but this is especially my favorite dish. I wish I had also inherited that gift…:)
I love "camarones enchilados". My grandmother made it best (rest her soul) My mom learned from her, thank God… 🙂
My favorite food is Moros, (arroz y frijoles negros cooked together, not congri), masitas de puerco fritas, yuca con mojo y platanos fritos (tostones are my favorite). My mom used to make the best Moros ever, very dark and shiny from the oil and tasted so good. My dad used to make the best masitas de puerco fritas. It was the best duo in the kitchen. Oh how I loved those days!! They are both gone now but the memories will be with me forever! What a great heritage!!! I absolutely love the poster!!EstherSJ Capistrano
Would love to win a poster to display in my middle school Spanish classroom!
Que Rico! Todos son mis favoritos!
My Mother-in-law’s picadillo with arroz blanco and tostones rock my world!!!
Lechon asado is my favorite! No one makes it better than Mami!
Mi Mami ase el mejor chilindron de cangrejo en el mundo. I would love to win a poster for her.
My favorite Cuban dish is Carne con Papas. My grandpa made the best when he was still alive, but his cooking skills were passed down and now my daughter & I make it pretty tasty.
Just discovered your site (a sponsored ad on fb of all places… guess they ARE good for something jaja) and all I can say is HOW HAVE I NOT FOUND THIS SOONER?!?! Oh yeah, probably because I’m stuck in Armpit, USA (aka Spokane, WA – No, not "that" Washington… the other one lol) where I seem to be the only one cool enough to be Cuban. I grew up in Miami, Fl with my abuela and my tia and although my abuela was probably the only cubana in history who could not cook to save her life, she did know the recipes though and taught me how to make picadillo which is still my favorite cuban food ever. And since in the 20 years I have lived here I have yet to find anything remotely resembling Cuban food I’d have to say I make it best!… Well, my kids think so at least. 😉 Will be visiting the site often for more recipes to add to my somewhat limited Cuban menu! Thanks for sharing your stories and for bringing this "food-from-home"sick gal some excitement!
My favorite comida is rabo encendido (ox tail) con arroz blanco (white rice) y maduros (sweet plantains). My dad made the best rabo. He is in heaven now. If I win the poster, I would dedicate it to my dad in his honor. Thanks for representing our culture! you are our voice! Blessings, Madeline Garcia from Miami,Fl.
By far anything involving pork and mojo! Thank you so very much!
Felicidades! Papas rellenas, arroz blanco, frijoles negros y maduros! (Carb overload; but who’s counting calories?!) …. Hechos por Mami!
Ropa vena, arroz con frijoles negro
Congratulations! You’ve won! Please send me an email with HEY MARTA! I WON STUFF ON YOUR BLOG! in the subject line (so I won’t delete it). Be sure to include your mailing address so I can get your poster out to you ASAP!
Ropa vieja with a good tomato based wine sauce smothered with lots of onions, garlic and red bell peppers over white jasmine rice, and of course a side of maduros. To top it off, un flan y un cortadito! Not to root my own pito, but I think I myself make the best ropa vieja this side of Pinar del Rio!!Tampa Bay represent, continued success…..happy blogging !Marycela
My favorite is Arroz Von Pollo, and around here I cook it the best! By the way only because I use your recipe!!!!!
My all time favorite dish is Ropa Vieja con arroz blanco y frijoles negros. Nothing tastes better than that. I always loved how my mom would cook this for us, and especially if I asked her to. Now I cook it and I realize how much she loves us!
My favorite Cuban food is Picadillo, arroz blanco with two fried eggs in top! If you’ve never tried this you have not lived. My mother makes the best Cuban food ever! For desert, arroz con leche. I love scraping the bottom of the "Cazuela" yumm!
My favorite food are the croquetas!! No question! It was always Abue who cooked, the Neni, then my sister. It was something we always had on Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve! Mind you this was a production perfected over the years. Family of ten has grown to 30 grandchildren, and 10 greats!! Love it the next day cold and soaked with lime juice! So it was always a treat! A labor of love. Of course besides the Cuban dinner of pork, rice black beans and yuca!! Love this, love your blog, I think we are connected, because the stories you share sound so much like ours!!! Lol! Mwaaaaaah! Besos grande!
Mi favorito es une sandwich cubano. Como te extrano. Aqui en pennsylvania eso no existe. Pero en union city new jersey en bergenline ave todavia los vendes. Buenas suertes. Me encanta tu blog.
My favorite Cuban food is Ropa Vieja served over white rice with black beans on the side. My American husband and I have perfected a recipe combining three or four recipes from different books and have decided ours is the best! I’m not much of a cook but will admit that everytime we serve Ropa Vieja people ask for the recipe.
Mercedes Steinbauer
Congratulations on 9 years. How fortunate you were to have family that could help you make the transitiionto up date your blog. My favorite is Ropa Viejo also. my husband and I started with a collection of Cubanrecipes compiled in Miami in the 1960’s and tweaked them to the final dish. The family loves it and guestsask me if we will be serving it when they come over. I could cook it in my sleep, been making it for 54 years.Betty Fernandez
(1)Vaca Frita! not everyone knows how to cook it well that’s why (2) Havana 1957 in Brickell wins it for me!
Congratulations on 9 years and Hank you for helping me share the Cuban traditions of my childhood with my own children! Ajiaco is my favorite dish! Of course, for question #2, I must say my Abuela and my Mamí cook it the best!
"…and Thank You…" Sorry for the typo!
Congratulations on 9 years! My favorite Cuban food has to be black beans. Cubans just make it differently than everyone else does. And my grandmother made the best black beans. She passed away a couple of years ago and now I moved up to South Carolina where it seems I’m the only Cubana around. I get home sick because this state lacks the spice that is Miami. And I would like to thank you for your blog, I don’t feel so alone when I eat your recipes. I feel the love in your dishes just like I felt the love in my grandmother’s food.
I love my Cuban food, but the one I will never will be able to duplicate are my Mom’s Black Beans, it had such a special flavor, nobody in the family have been able to make them like her’s, she was a great cook, from her Pargo Entero al Horno to her Frituritas de Seso to everything in between nobody could compare…Love my Cuban Food!!!!
My favorite Cuban food is "Carne Con Papas" that my Mami makes. She makes it in the pressure cooker and it comes out just perfect!
Ropa Vieja made by my dad! Oh, my mouth waters just thinking of it.
Aporreado de Tasajo, arroz blanco, tostones y ensalada de aguacate. Yummy! Made by my wonderful Mima.
Oh so many favorites to choose from…. I’m going to have to go with vaca frita and maduros and my grandmother made it the best!!
Thank you Marta for making my exile from my folks in Miami bearable. Best wishes!
My fav cuban food is ropa vieja and of course the sopa the Carne as the appetizer. Yumm… Who cooks it the best?Why me of course! Well trained by my Cuban abuelita. (Who I’m sure as an angel seasons it over my shoulder ????)
Rope Vieja and platanos maduros. Made by my abuela, Magaly. As a kid I was always impatient and would sneak the plantains when she wasn’t looking. Unfortunately she was always looking…lol!
Vaca frita con fufu ¡que rico!