I keep repeating it to myself and to anyone who will listen.
"My mom is one-hundred-and-one."
It's not the number of years that strikes me as odd. It's the amount of life still left in her at 101.
"My mom is one-hundred-and-one."
I try to explain to people what she is like. What it's like to have a 101 year old mother. But it doesn't quite translate. Because my mom is A Character.
She still (at 101!) has a great sense of humor.
The following photos were taken at my house on Nochebuena, just two short months ago. I wanted to make sure I had photos of my mom with all of her grandchildren. Because posterity.
I tried to get them to pose portraity-style. Because their grandmother is 101, after all.
But it's Luza.
"Make the ooh face, Abuela."
No portraits for her. *sigh*
And they love her for it.
She's 101, people. (Maybe if I keep repeating it, it will sink it.)
She certainly doesn't act her age. But I don't know if that's right, because I don't know anyone else who's 101.
But I suspect that the secret to her longevity is held in these pictures of her with the ones she loves most. The not-portraity, make-this-face, smile-don't-smile, wear-this-hat photos.
She's one-hundred-and-one.
And refuses to grow up.
"My mom is one-hundred-and-one."
And she genuinely knows how to squeeze every ounce of fun out of life.
What a gift.
Felicidades, Mami. Que Dios te bendiga.
It truly is s blessing. Muchas Felicidades!!!
God Bless her! Happy Birthday!
¡Felicidades Luza!(>‿◠)♡
Felicidades Luza! Que Dios te bediga!
Felicidades Luza! Que Dios te bendiga!