{Disclosure: This post is part of a compensated campaign in collaboration with Latina Bloggers Connect and . I also received the same AT&T "ItCanWait" gift bag that I'm giving away. The opinions are my own.}
I'm so proud that my family and I are part of movement.
I'm a big believer in the fact that no text is worth risking your life for. And I want my kids to live long and happy lives, and to eventually get married and have children of their own and so on and so on. In other words, I want the Circle of Life to continue.
As difficult as this is, I'm asking you to watch this very sobering video about a lovely fun-loving woman who died while texting and driving as
told by her sister who loved her deeply and misses her immensely. She tells about what it was like for her parents to get that terrible news.
Please click on this link .
I think texting while driving is just like any other bad habit. It may be hard to break, but infinitely worth it. Good can replace the bad. In this case, here are the steps that can be taken:
Set an example for your own kids. Know the risks. Take the pledge. Speak up. Keep this conversation going. For you Blackberry and Android users, download the free AT&T DriveMode mobile app. I promise you will be saving lives. Again, the goal is to make texting and driving as unacceptable as drinking and driving.
At&T's goal is to save lives and the Movement is focused on a simple and powerful message: no text is worth dying for.
I want to thank all of you who have taken the pledge and have shared your promise on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ItCanWaitNoTextingWhileDriving page and on Twitter (#itcanwait).
It makes me happy to see that so many of you are taking this as seriously as I am.
Congratulations to the winner of The Blackberry Q10 and the AT&T "ItCanWait" Gift Bag.
Here is what you've won:
- Blackberry Q10
- ItCanWait T-shirt
- ItCanWait thumb rings
- ItCanWait Non-Woven Big Tote
- ItCanWait Decals/Spanish
- ItCanWait Cleaning cloth
- ItCanWait Silicon snap bracelet
- Interior Double Side Cling
Ody, please send me an email with your snail mail address and HEY MARTA! I WON STUFF ON YOUR BLOG! in the subject line and I'll get your new Blackberry Q10 and the AT&T It Can Wait Gift Bag to you ASAP.
Also, in case you're wondering why I am so invested in helping AT&T save lives…I have four really compelling reasons.
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