It's around 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Lunch was over a few hours ago, but it's still too early for dinner and you're already hungry again. What do you do?
You must have a tasty little snack in the afternoon to hold you over until dinner, of course. Growing up Cuban in the 60's and 70's, the three o'clock hour meant it was time for "La Merienda." (Think English Tea Time. But not.) Loosely translated, "an afternoon snack."
Nestlé Abuelita has offered to help me start my own Merienda tradition and they've provided samples of Nestle Abuelita Hot Chocolate. (Yes, please!)
I was going to make an elaborate dessert for this Merienda to serve with the Abuelita Hot Chocolate, but Lucy beat me to it.
She grabbed some Cuban crackers ("galletas"), guava paste, cream cheese, her brother, and of course, her video camera….
Here are my kids, enjoying their Merienda in their own inimitable way.
I'm happy to report that the tradition of the Merienda is now alive and well again in my home. The (delicious!) Nestlé Abuelita Hot Chocolate is here to stay as part of our daily tradition.
Today's giveaway is a Nestlé Abuelita gift pack which values at $50 and includes:
- Nestle Abuelita Instant and Nestle Abuelita Granulado product (to try and review!)
- Two coffee/hot chocolate mugs (to share your merienda cup with a friend!)
- One hot chocolate spoon (for a perfect mix)
- A set of recipe cards for use with your Nestle Abuelita product (for snack inspirations!)
- Nestle note cards (so you can invite your friend to your next Merienda)
The point of the Merienda was just to connect, catch up with our day and have a little something to hold us over until dinnertime. I like the informal formality of it. I like that it's a great time for us to connect. And I also like that no one gets to dinnertime starving and half-crazed, but that's not important right now.
Do you remember growing up with this tradition? Tell me.
1) To enter this drawing for the Nestlé Abuelita Gift Pack, please leave a comment on this post and answer one or both of the following questions:
- Do you currently partake in a daily afternoon snack break or “merienda”? What does your merienda look like?
- Who would you invite to join you? If you could enjoy a daily “virtual Merienda” with a friend or family member who lives further away, who would it be?
Please leave your comment on this post and I'll choose a winner on Saturday, April 7th, 2011 at 8pm PST.
2) For an extra entry, please go "like" Abuelita on Facebook and come back and leave me another comment telling me:
- "I like Abuelita!"
So that's not one, but two entries apiece. You're welcome. If you're nice, I may throw in some galletas, too. 😉
{Disclaimer: Nestlé has graciously provided a "merienda" gift pack as a gift to me and one as a giveaway. It's my own opinion that we should make Abuelita a daily merienda tradition.}
If I could have a dily merienda with someone far away, it would be with my Friend Berta. We spent many an afternoon in el Vedado enjoying a merienda at each other’s houses. It was out afternoon ritual!
I do have a merienda though it seems that it is always on the run:( It’s usually a banana or orange or sometimes a smoothie. As a kid, we used to have a sit down merienda with the Abuela…usually a cafe con leche and cuban tostada w/ lots and lots of butter…sigh.I would have my merienda with my friend Anne Marie who lives in Raleigh, NC…another sigh…
I “liked” Abuelita’s fb page:)
If I could have a “virtual merienda” it would be with my grandparents and my niece, Charlotte Anne Perez. My grandparents died a long time ago and because I was born in the US and they were in Cuba, when I finally met them, it wasn’t for long. My niece, Charlotte was the sweetest little girl in the world (if you don’t count my little girl, Francine); she was my daughter’s age and, not only her cousin, but her best friend. My daughter was three and she was four when she passed away from cancer (oh, how I despise it) a year-and-a-half ago. Since I never got to do meriendas with my abuelitas, I’d love for all of us to sit down, along with my children and have a nice, old-fashioned Cuban merienda, listening to abuelita stories. <3 <3 <3
I like Abuelita. 🙂
By the way, I guess this is an appropriate forum in which to honor my Abuelitas Esperanza and Leonor. 🙂
Growing up in Hialeah, our wonderful neighbors would offer to share merienda…if I could share with someone today, it would be with my old friend Elaine V.soon to turn 50(!)–we have been friends since we were 5. Her mom spoke little English and my mom no Spanish, but we all became lifelong amigas! 🙂 I enjoy your site!
I like Abuelita!
That’s very sweet, Martha. Lifelong friends are the best.
Hi Marti… you know I can merienda too! I love to have a cup of hot tea, peppermint mocha, or hot chocolate in the afternoon. Yummy! I love to meet up with a girlfriend or two or my family if they are home. Its a great way to relax and unwind.And I “LIKED” on Facebook for you… anything for you 🙂 Thanks for this… I think I will “Merienda” tomorrow
Love you, Darla
My merienda looks like a hot cup of coffee or tea and something sweet to eat. I usually have it with my Mom or sister. I look forward to it each day. It’s a little perk in the afternoon.
I grew up on Abuelita! Breakfasts for us can be chorizo con huevos and abuelita, or pan tostado and abuelita, my mom always used a blender to get it all nice and foamy but i just zip the immersion blender into the pot.. The more foam the better! have 3 kids 6 and under so we have merienda daily… Usually a banana, popcorn or carrots and i have a cup of coffee
I liked abuelita!
Me gusta Abuelita en Facebook!
When I was young, my mother always gave me merienda after school. It usually consisted of croqettas de pollo o jamon, served with some saltines. Always a glass of chocolate milk. Sometimes, I got some guayaba con dulce de leche.Today, I still eat merienda, but it’s much less fancy. Usually, a granola bar or a few graham crackers. And now that I think about it, I don’t remember my mom having merienda – maybe busy moms don’t have time?
With 3 teenagers in the house, every moment of every day is Merienda time, and it generally is whatever is closest to the front of the refrigerator or pantry. If I could invite anyone to share my merienda with me, of course it would be Mrs. Darby (how delightful!). Now off to facebook…
I just “liked” Abuelita on facebook!!
My merienda begin consisting of your delicious pastelitos de guayaba pastries! My kids could not believe that they were homemade! Also, my American husband, who, by the way, loves all things Cuban (especially me 🙂 ) was thrilled as well! Every year for his birthday, I ask him what type of cake he wants for his birthday he tells me “Just make me a guava pie.” That’s coming from a South Carolinian country boy!If I could share my merienda with anyone it would be with my dad, who loves to be cooked for since we lost my mom 13 years ago. When he visits I love to cook all his favorites that mami used to prepare. He loves casquitos de guayaba out of a can with cream cheese and guava, and always requests frituras de malanga. We talk about my mom, how we miss her, how she prepared such good meals, how she took care of all of us, etc.
As a child, my favorite merienda was saltine crackers with leche condensada! I get strange looks when I mention that one to my family! Guess they need to get a little more Cubanized!
I don’t do merienda’s anymore, sadly, but I have fond memories growing up and getting home from school and seeing my merienda waiting for me.If I had to choose who to have a virtual merienda with, it would be my abuela who still lives in Miami with my family. I miss our daily afternoon chit-chats…
I like Abuelita!
I actually don’t have a merienda, I make meriendas for my three boys when they come home from school. They are teenagers and always hungry! On weekends however, and on rainy days, my boys like hot chocolate with pan tostado y mantequilla, and of course is always ABUELITA. We always a stash of Abuelita chocolate. I would love to be able to have merienda with my lost found friend from Miami, Cris, whom I went to school with. We recently reconnected and is as if we had never separated. True friends are for ever!Laura
It takes me back to the Cuba I remember as a little girl, having a “merienda” with my grandmother and listening to her stories. Those were the days that we treasure in our hearts.
Sadly, at merienda time, I’m still at work, assiduously cleaning clients’ teeth… But if I could I would have my galletas, guayaba and cream cheese with my “Cousin”, Rosita, who lives in Palma de Mallorca. I remember our after school meriendas in Cuba. Guayaba is a comfort food to this day. As is hot chocolate. I was happy to discover Abuelita instant hot cholate!
I liked Abuelita on Facebook!
Whenever one or more of my children are home with me during the day (time off work or school or a rare weekend day together at home) we ALWAYS share a merienda. A top fave is galletas Cubanas with lots of mantequilla and Abuelita Hot Chocolate – for sure!
Cuban Coffee at 3:00 pm is a must and keeps me going.and I would love to share a cafecito with my abuela
I tend to snack all day but I don’t necessarily have an official merienda… but great idea.I would love to invite my niece and nephew to a virtual merienda… they live 1000 miles away and I miss them!
Well. I currently don’t do merienda, but it sure sounds fun. Of coarse I’d choose you to do it with! I wish I was closer and we could do it. Hey, would they let us do it in the big orange balloon?! Have a blessed day today.
I “Liked Abuelita”!