We've been talking about this for weeks (maybe months) so the actual day came as no surprise. Adam has been planning to move to Redding, California. (There's a girl up there….of course.)
Adam's 24 and has moved out (and come back home) a few times already, but he's never gone quite this far.
Redding is 592 miles from Mission Viejo. Not an easy day trip, by any means.
Yesterday was the day.
He packed up all his worldly possessions onto his little truck.
Stephanie (The Girl) flew down to accompany him on the drive up.
Blogosphere, meet Stephanie. Stephanie, blogosphere.
And off they went.
But not before I had the chance to remind him of a few dozen things, including:
- Text me. But don't text while you're driving.
- Go slow. There's no hurry.
- Hydrate! Take lots of water bottles.
- Don't forget to floss.
- Call your mother!
- Make good choices.
Marta,You’ve done good my friend. (You and Eric both) Thank you for the example to let go and let God. He’s had a good foundation.
Wow Martica!Ditto on Ody’s comment. Best of luck to Adam and Stephanie … 🙂
I wish you well 🙂 Melek
“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.” ~ Kahlil Gibran
It is not that far! My 19 yr. old daughter goes to school in Corona, California and we live in Cape Coral, Florida which is 2200 miles away from her Cuban-American mom. We cried almost everyday for the first 3 months. She sliced her finger open, had to go to the hospital and posted the picture on Facebook! I almost fainted! But really, technology helps, Gracias a Dios. Now us Cuban moms can parent while we use these methods of communication. In September, she is going from Corona to Germany and Europe for 3 months, now this is really far and the thought of it gives me shills up and down my spine. LOL <3 Maggy
oh honey – reading this put tears in my eyes. well, let’s see what TPWRTU will do w/ this… deep sigh
Thank you all for the comforting words. I appreciate being able to share these moments with you all.Besos,
Awwwhhhh…I have no words, Marta!I second Ody’s comments. He will be just fine -you guys have raised a very fine young man.
But I feel your pain…