My big, fat, Cuban family is made up of dozens of amazing women that I am blessed to be related to. I know many of you feel the same.
And because I consider (our readers) as family, I thought Mother's Day would be a great day to pay tribute to your special moms right here.
Thank you for the privilege of including us as you celebrate the lives of these special women.
From Angela Garcia (and the grandkids) to her mother-in-law:
Happy Mother's Day Mamasan!
We are so lucky to have such a beautiful and smart Grandmother.
Your smile, the sound of your laughter, and the tastes and smells from you kitchen
will always be in our hearts no matter where we are.
We love you,
Alexis, Rachel, Billy, Charley, Andie & Matthew
From Chantel Acevedo to her mother, Marta Quinn:
The most important thing a person can know is that she is loved, and my Mami gave me that gift every day.
From Magy to her mother, Irma Navarro:
Hi! My name is Magy and I am sending this picture of my beloved and most cherished mom of last year's Mother's Day. Mami passed away Dec 7th of last year. Here she is in this picture with our dad, Julio, my nephew Jonathan, mu sister Jackie, Mami, Me (Magy), my brother Juli and my niece Jeanette.
My mother was blessed in so many ways and in retrospect, I would say last year was one of the most memorable years. I guess it was the Lord's gift to us in preparation of what was ineveitable.
Our Mom was an Alzheimer's victim for 12 years and at almost 77 yrs of age, Jesus came and, while still sleeping, took her back to her eternal home.
I thank you God for having blessed with such a beautiful, sweet, simple and sensitive mother, my madrecita querida, Irma Navarro, may she rest in eternal peace. Thank you, mami, thank you for everything.
I'll love you through eternity.
From Maria E. Prieto to her mother, Pilar Dieguez:
My mother, Pilar Dieguez, is 91 years old and is the best mom anyone could ask for. She always has a smile and gives the best hugs in the world. It is from her that I got my love of cooking! She is a great example of what a wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother should be!
Maria E. Prieto
"Orgullosa de ser Cubana"
Anne Marie Fields to her mom, Angie:
My mami is an amazing woman. She loves her family like you wouldn't believe. Whatever life sends her way, she overcomes. What I love about her is her spirit – that she can love God with reckless abandon, hug whomever needs to be loved, and strike up a conversation with a wall. It helps that she's the greatest person to have at my side when I'm cooking. Hats off to the greatest sous-chef and nurse and counselor I've ever known! <3
From Carice & Chelsey Marie Fabregas to their Mom, Ody:
Dear Mommy,
Thank you for your love and
kindness all the time, not just when things are good, but when things
are tough too. Happy Mothers Day! I love you very much,
Te quiero,
Chelsey Marie
Thank you for being such an amazing mother. You are an example to me everyday. Thank you for everything you do for me and the family. When I grow up i pray that i have the same grace and attributes that you have.
Happy Mothers Day! I love you!
From Matt Atkinson to his Mom, Penny:
My mother is so cool. She's one of the only mother's I know who dyes her hair unnatural colors, gets tattoos, and performs in college plays. I can't count the number of times people my age have come up to me saying: "Your mom is so awesome!" My mother really is a character, and she's comfortable with being herself. Sometimes she may be a little embarrassing, but it seems like I'm the only one who ever thinks so, everyone loves her. Including me. I can't thank her enough for all sh e does for me.
Thanks mom. Thanks for being cool.
From Mary Zonneveld to her mom (My BFF), Pam Pensiero:
What can be said about a Mom as amazing as mine? She is always trying her best to put the needs of others above herself! She did an amazing job raising us. She had to sacrifice a lot to raise Godly kids, but her efforts paid off! I have so many fun memories of my life growing up and it's all because of her and all the hard work she did for us! Now that I am a mom I can only hope to be as good of a mother as she was to me. She is the best "Coco" (Grandma) I could have ever wanted for my daughter! I thank God every day that He allowed her to be my Mother!
All I can say is "Thank you Mom. I am so thankful for everything you have done in my life!"
"I love you more, Mom!"
Thank you so much for letting us be a part of your lives. I am richer for knowing you all.
Happy Mother's Day!
What a lovely blog post! All the individual stories were so touching. I’m reading along and then I see my daighter’s post. What a touching surprise! You made my Mothers Day Marti and Mary Bear. I love you both, MORE! And Mary, I love the toontown pictures!
Thank you Marta! The family loved it!