Here at MBFCF we are putting together A Press Kit. (I know. Shut up.) It feels like graduation time.
We have received a few queries from various advertisers asking if they can advertise on our blog. (Crazy, isn't it? But, seriously, we're totally smiling from ear to ear.)
We couldn't have come this far without you, our loyal readers. You are all so supportive and wonderful. It warms our hearts to read your comments and to know we've had an impact on your lives. Even if it's just teaching you how to cheat and make pastelitos de guayaba. 😉
And we totally love to have you share your lives with us.
We have to show how fabulous our readers are and why they keep coming back. So, can you please answer the following questions in the comment section:
- Why do you keep coming back?
- What is it, in your opinion, that makes MBFCF worth visiting?
We'd like to use your comments in our Media Kit. (I feel sooo accidentally cool.)
But we want to respect everyone's desire for privacy, so please sign your comment with a name and where you're from, in a way you wouldn't mind us sharing. Like this:
- Marta D., Mission Viejo, CA
If you're kind of shy, we still want to know what you think, but you are welcome to email either one of us:
- Marta – [email protected]
- Kikita – [email protected]
As a way to say "Thank You" for your comments, we're going to make this a giveaway. (I know. It's like a bribe, but that's not important right now.)
This post will stay at the top of the blog for the next week and on Friday, April 16th at 3pm we will announce the winner.
Thank you! (You can go ahead and queue up "Pomp and Circumstance now….") =D
Look at what we're giving away:
1) A personally autographed copy of MBFCF Cookbook. (I still really, really love this cover. A lot.)
2) Two MBFCF mugs. So you can enjoy your morning coffee while reading the comings and goings of my big, fat, Cuban family.
3) One very cool BBQ Apron from Marta's Cuban American Kitchen.
Fun stuff, right?
So please, leave a comment, signed with your first name and last initial and tell me where you're from and why you like to hang out here at MBFCF.
And always remember this:
"My blog-casa is your blog-casa."
~ Marta 😉
I love your blog because of its Cuban-ness. It helps me stay close to the Cuban community, and hear of your comings and goings. The very moving trip to Cuba brought tears to my eyes – I have been there and done that, and it brought it back. You both write so beautifully and so from the heart. And…..I love the comments on Cuban food – I am a cook of things Cuban in my home, and I love your hints and ideas. Que vivan las cubanitas!Mary Lynn C. – Orlando, FL
I love you! That’s why I like to read!Pam P-Hanford,CA
I read your blog because you remind us that we all share a common thread. Your experiences make us laugh, cry and smile. Love you, dear friend.PS. Goya and Bustelo had better get on board! Just Saying!
Mario, Grand Rapids MI
Ok….I know the 2 questions are the format, but let me elaborate one second (then ill answer the ?’s….I promise!)This blog has seriously changed the way I saw blogging. I had started blogging my daughter’s milestones and to keep up with family, but never figured anyone other than family would participate….then by a matter of fate (yes…I do believe) I was turned onto MBFCF blog…completely changing not only my perception of blogging but I have met some incredible people, I have been exposed to many insights on my culture, family life, cooking, I have seen Marta’s graphic Art and design (as a Photoshop junkie and Architect, I sooo appreciate her talent), I have changed my opinion on more than one subject after reading all the comments people have put on here(ranging from politics to relationships to food)…almost broadening my world but most of all I’ve been inspired! I just wanted to thank Marta (and Kikita) for not only giving me an outlet to experience life as ½ Cuban, ½ American, making me laugh in the process but also extending me their friendship from 100’s of miles away!
•Why do you keep coming back?
Marta and her family are REAL…they talk about things that I can associate with and they have very educated and enlightening discussions about daily life and Cuban-American realities. She treats everyone that follows her blog-casa as family….you seriously feel at home with Marta and her familia.
•What is it, in your opinion, that makes MBFCF worth visiting?
When dealing with Cubans, it is very EASY to fall into headed debate about everything from human rights to what is the right way to make Carne Asada…and I truly cherish from Marta, Kikita, and MBFCF that positive energy that they give being Cuban in the US. It’s like being at home with your parents and Aunts and Uncles, just being you…Marta has opened a window in her home to show the world what mixing 2 cultures is like and she has hit it right on the mark, not because she is trying but because she is genuine. Plus, I think she is a riot!
Michele Caridad, Miami Beach, FL
I keep coming back because you guys are now family. It doesn’t matter that I’ve never met you, Marta, or that I’ve only met Kikita twice, and briefly, not to mention the rest of your beautiful family (though I DID get to meet your Momma for a moment).I find it interesting how we grew up in two very different cultures in the US and have so many shared experiences with our Cuban culture.
Congratulations Martica (and Kikita:), no one deserves this more than you!!
When I first came across your blog, it was in search of cuban recipes and since then, have kept coming back for more. Not only are your recipes delish but your stories are genuine and insightful. Though I’m not Cuban, my husband is and his immediate family still lives there. I’ve been fortunate to visit several times and immerse myself in the cuban traditions I have come to love and respect. Your recent post of your daughter’s visit there brought back great memories of our last trip surrounded with love, family and a rich culture.
I absolutely love MBFCF. You are all like family to me now, although we have never met. Like I wrote before, Kikita’s visit to Cuba made me realize just how much I need to go back and reconnect with the land of my birth, and most importantly, introduce it to my teenage son. Your blog brightens my day and reminds me that the Cuba our parents knew will never die if we work to keep it alive in our hearts and succeed in passing it on to our children.
I read your blog because you are my friend and you write interesting stories of everyday life. You find the everyday stuff note worthy (as do I). I appreciate that.Kristen B, Foothill Ranch, CA
what i love most about this blog is that you dont have to be cuban to enjoy it because it’s about family and life and reading the posts here not only make me laugh but as in the posts that amy wrote about her trip to cuba also made me cry. i also ate cuban food for the first time when i made marta’s ribs in my crock pot they were great! but i guess the reason i come back is because this site is just a very welcoming happy place that always makes you glad you stopped in.
When I stumbled across your blog, I just felt at home. Your family reminds me so much of my own Cuban family. Your mother is so darling at cute even at her 90+ years of age. I love how you share with others our Cuban culture and all the love behind it. It’s just an amazing blog to read, and since I’m Cuban also I can obviously connect with your words. But it’s great how even those who aren’t Cuban can see and learn about the Cuban way of life, even though we may not be in Cuba at the present moment. Everytime I see a picture (like the one of your Mom sitting with her sisters laughing like school girls) it honestly warms my heart. This is a blog of Love & Family, which I think couldn’t be any better. So this is why I read & will continue to read your blog.Alby Perez-Vergara, McGuire Air Force Base, New Jersey.
* Why do you keep coming back?-I keep coming back because I am always hoping I find a new Cuban recipe ha ha.
* What is it, in your opinion, that makes MBFCF worth visiting?
-The recipes, the Cuban American life, reading the families experiences, reading Kikita’s post about Cuba and her experiences, it helps me stay in touch with my Cuban side and I love it. It’s very well written too, there’s a warm writers voice to it, makes me feel like I’m part of “la familia” haha. This blog represents love and family something that is beautiful and makes happy that it still exists 🙂
woops forgot to add my info:Nathan G., Los Angeles, CA
* Why do you keep coming back?The stories stir up many emotions and I feel like I am keeping up with family even though I am not related to anyone on here. I love how Marta keeps Cuban traditions alive in her home and how Eric accepts all the craziness so happily and lovingly. I love LUZA!! I love the stories about homeschooling and can see how awesome Lucy and Jon are because of it. This family LOVES Disneyland! I can go on and on.
* What is it, in your opinion, that makes MBFCF worth visiting?
It is very well written, with great pictures, and delicious-looking recipes. I get excited when there is a new post.
Ivis S. Hialeah, FL
P.S. I love that I can write HIALEAH and not only do they know where it is, but they love it here!!
OK – so in my opinion you guys are like the “modern” version of Que Pasa USA? More americanized, yet still Cuban… Also helps that Amy is a hoot, and we are also the same age, “but that’s not important right now”… 🙂 Hope you keep writing fun stuff, I’ll keep reading!
Sorry, I just realized I forgot to include where I live.Maria Eugenia A., New Hyde Park, N.Y.
In August 2005, I married a wonderful Cuban man. Following a rather quick immigration process, he arrived in Canada in May 2006 and that put my quest for perfecting Cuban cuisine into high-gear. I was searching online for different Cuban recipes and came across MBFCF and have been visiting everyday since :)* Why do you keep coming back?
I love the recipes; I love the stories of Cuba (now and then); I love the fact that any posts or discussions doesn’t get into political debates but focus on the culture, traditions, and most of all people. Marta takes the time to answer all my cooking/baking questions – and is so cheerful and encouraging and quick in responding; makes me feel like I’m picking up the phone and talking to my Mom 🙂
* What is it, in your opinion, that makes MBFCF worth visiting?
MBFCF makes you feel like you are truly part of MBFCF. There is such a friendly and home-y atmosphere. It has humour, emotion, culture, cuisine, love…everthing that makes you feel like you are part of the family 🙂
Thank you Marta for letting us be part of your family!
Andria CM, Toronto, ON, Canada
I come back because I LOVE YOU and I want to move in with you and your Big Fat Cuban Family…
I’ve been visiting your blog since you first started. I first came for the recipes. As a Cuban American girl far removed from her hometown of Miami, it’s become a little online oasis of familiar things.I’ve kept coming back for the heartwarming stories of family and of the mother land 🙂
Keep going Marta. It’s a internet version of sitting at the kitchen table, drinking un cafecito and talking about the things that really matter.
Regi I. Raleigh, NC
First, it was your sense of humor,second, it was our mutual culture,
then I realized we serve the same Savior!
But now, we are family. 😉
It’s like fixing yourself a nice cup of coffee and
getting a daily phone call from a friend to catch up.
Ody F. Miami Lakes, FL
What do I love, and why do I keep coming back?Like so many other Cuban refugees, your family’s story is very similar to ours. Reading your blog always brings a smile to my face and a tear to my eye. And it reminds me that I should call mi familia in Miami to remind them of how much I love them for the sacrifices they’ve made.
You may live across the country from me, but it’s like you’re right next door.
Nickie H., Savannah, GA
Carmela C, Little Falls, NJI Love your blog. I found it when I was searching for Cuban recipes. I enjoy reading about your family and enjoy your sense of humor. I love the recipes, antics and photos. I check your blog daily and keep returning because I love the Cuban culture. It so reminds me of my Dad (who has passed) who grew up in Cuba and his 4 sisters. Reading your blog entries puts a smile on my face and makes me feel like I am catching up with old friends.
P.S. I also love Andy Garcia!! He is one hot Papi..
I keep coming back for the sense of La Familia, which I am missing in my life. I have, in fact, sent the URL to all four of my children as a reference to what it’s like to be Cuban–unfortunately they were raised more American-Cuban than Cuban-American.Your experience of being Cuban and of Varadero are my childhood experiences. You inspire me to be more Cuban…you offer the Cuban experience in one-stop-shopping, and I feel at home on your site.
Iris H.
St. Augustine, FL (By way of Miami/exiled since 1962/56-year-old RN born in Marianao with family from Pinar del Rio and Vinales).
I happened upon your blog about 3 years ago, I think, when I did a google search for a pastelon de pollo recipe. I had lost the one that my aunt wrote up for me, and my daughter kept asking me to make it (the only one she had ever tasted was the one my aunt made for her when we visited Santo Domingo earlier that year). I was intrigued by the blog’s name that came up in the search. The kids loved the recipe so much, I bookmarked your blog and kept coming back. Now MBFCF is a bookmark at the top of my Mac’s desktop, and it is one the the first clicks I make every morning as I have my coffee before waking the kids for school.My Big Fat Cuban Family is worth visiting for a couple of reasons:
1. All the wonderful recipes; although I am Cuban only by marriage, my cubinican kids have enjoyed many meals I have made thanks to you (who knew you could make ropa vieja in a crockpot???).
2. I have come to feel like your family is a part of mine. It’s strange, sometimes I feel like a stalker (why hasn’t Marta posted anything on her blog in the past 2 days?????) when I keep checking for news about the goings on around the Darby household. My kids are very involved in our local children’s theater as well, and I also regularly help with the costumes and scenery. I can really relate to everything you write so wonderfully about.
Why do I keep coming back?
I’m addicted! You have become a part of my daily routine. Thank you for all the insights, life lessons, and for welcoming me into your home on a regular basis.
Angela Garcia
Dominican born, Cuban wed (celebrating 25 years this August!)
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Visitng your blog transcends me back to my Abuelitas house where together with my Mama,Papa,Tias,Tios, primos etc..we came together, ate great food, had great laughs and yes, occasionally shed a tear or two for all that was lost and could have been. I am far removed from them now-some have passed, many of us have moved far away(myself included). Those memories live on in my heart and also in your blog. Your family reminds me of my own and I am grateful to share them with you. And since I can’t be with them, I share my morning “cafecito” with you. Azucar!
Sorry, forgot to add that I am Nancy, Dallas,TX
I won a MBFCF coffee cup several years ago, so please DO NOT place me in the contest. I just wanted to let you know how much I love this site. Always wonderful heartwarming stories of family and friends and love of country (US and Cuba). Thank you for sharing !!
I read to to keep up on what an interesting life my brother and his family lead. It’s tough to keep up with all you do!
Alysa L.H.G.,Corona, CA Well I read your blog because you are fascinating and I like seeing what’s for dinner and I don’t have to think about what I am going to make. I simply copy it. Thanks for the inspiration
Why is MBFCF worth visiting?-Because I love you and want to BE you! 🙂
-Because I love your entire family and want to keep up with the Verdes/Darby clan news.
-Because with its beautiful photos and stylish layout/design and splashes of Cuban color, it is lovely eye candy, with the text adding serious carne rather than typical blogging fluff found elsewhere.
-Because as someone who has lived between two worlds in a variety of contexts overseas and who is raising an American son who has a British accent, I *get* the wider theme of TCK (Third-Culture Kids).
Why do I keep coming back?
-See above.
-Because becoming anything like Marta Darby takes serious study! 😉
-Because I often need an optimistic boost to my day.
-Because I love the variety and surprises of your posts and the delightful highjacking, er, guestblogging of Kikita and Lucy and co.
-Videos of Mama Luza y Senor Cucu.
-Because (no doubt under the influence of MBFCF) I now own and love a slow-cooker and need recipes….!
-Because I need something to read with my cafecito!
-Because I miss you.
Susan, Oxford, UK
Congrats on all your success.Here are my two centavitos:
MBFCF is like Sunday visits with la familia, replete with laughter and mouth watering food. I feel like I’ve known Marta and her funny, gorgeous clan all my life.
Abrazos fuerte!
Chantel Acevedo, Auburn, AL
It’s a very entertaining blog, that is extremely well written, which has now fast become our daily addiction. A perfect portion of spicy Cubans- *Just gotta have it,today- blog!*.One added note (because, I am never REALLY done talking): You write stories about everyday life which I can relate to as I laugh and cry, along with you. Oh yes, AND~ I love to see your projects, they always inspire me!
Plus, are also my friend and we all really – really love you- ALL! ~♥xoxo♥~
Why do I read your blog, because sometimes you make me cry and sometimes you make me laugh so hard. Because you remind me that somewhere I am normal? Your recipes are a bonus! When I read your blog i feel like I am talking to an old friend! You and your family are such a blessing!Barbie B., from Menifee, CA
Why do you keep coming back?I love hearing stories about you and your family. You write in a way that makes people feel like they know you!
What is it, in your opinion, that makes MBFCF worth visiting?
The pictures, the recipes, the videos, everything! I love hearing about your Cuban-ness…as a student majoring in Spanish and a wanna-be latina, I love learning about your culture!
Tiffany; Harrisonburg, VA
I want a mug!!! I keep coming back because I knew you when Amy was a toddler and who knew our lives were going to be where they are today (Okay, I know who knew) Reading the blog is entertaining enlightening and a way to stay connected to an old (as in from back when) friend.Lisa E. Tucson, Az
Esta es la primera vez que veo su blog y me quede enamorada de la idea de un blog cubano. Se que voy a ser una asidua visitante. Me ha gustado mucho el estilo que usan y ademas estoy muy interesada en saber distintas opiniones de otras cubanas en este pais. Somos una comunidad muy grande en el exilio y a todos nos unen las mismas raices llenas de alegria y muchas tristezas en comun.Espero que no les importe que escriba en Español.
Buena suerte!