The good people over at the OC Register (our local newspaper) had asked me to write something for Hispanic Heritage Month. We've had a relationship for a while now because my blog is listed in their Latino Life Section.
I was happy to oblige because, well, here on my blog I celebrate my heritage just about every day. =D
Then I got a call from the Features Editor (Shut up. I know.) who liked my piece and asked if they could print it and could they please send a photographer over to do a photo shoot with me and my family?
The photographer, Leonard Ortiz, was just delightful and pulled it together beautifully. He spent two (2!) hours lighting and shooting us. He was very easy to work with and pose for and seemed to enjoy working with the Darby clan.
So he took photos of us in the living room under one of my favorite Cuba posters. In my tiny stairwell (yes, all six of us!), the one with all the family photos on the wall. I think it took him so long because we were totally laughing together and being goofy (but that's not important right now).
There were quite a few of Photogenically Challenged Me standing in front of the American flag holding a framed photo of Papi.
Of course, Lucy had our camera on hand to document the documentation….
I'll let you know when (if?) the piece runs.
Meanwhile, I'm getting out the sandpaper….pa' darme lija.** 😉
**"dar lija" (pronounced – "dahr lee hah") is a Cuban idiom that means someone is a little vain and so they "sandpaper" themselves. Like polishing wood….
I'm hoping to get one of the group shots he took to use for my Christmas Card this year. Is that resourceful? Or just lazy? (Either way, I feel sooo accidentally cool.)
Chantel says
Wow! You aren’t “accidentally” cool, Marta. You’re totally MEANT to be cool. It’s your density, er, you’re destiny;)BTW, your dad and Adam, como se parecen!
Nora says
Felicidades! No one deserves this honor and spotlight more than you do, my friend. You make your Cuban people proud. Heck, you make all of us Latinos proud.
Susan says
Wow, if that photo of Papi doesn’t look like The Bomb!
Marta M. Darby says
Chantel & Susan,YEP. My dad’s face is my face is Adam’s face. It’s the circle of life…=D
Marta M. Darby says
Norita,Thank you, amiga, for your kind words. BTW…Happy Birthday! MUAH! (Cuban kiss)
Michele caridad says
Congrats … Proud to have such good people represent us cubans to the world! Seriously you are a great example of showing off your heritage! Smile…!!!!
keb says
how fabulous – can’t wait to see you in (newspaper) print!
Cubanita says
Sooooo cool!Mi amiga, it is true you make us all really proud. Ditto on the previous commenters: Adam’s face is exactly like your Dad!
Suzy says
I know I’m late but WOW congratulations and Adam is the spitting image of your Papi!! I love it!
Ziva says
Wow, this is awesome, and there isn’t a nicer more deserving person anywhere. Super congratulations! Let me know if it runs so I can buy my copy! Besos, Ziva