Okay. So I know this photo is completely out of focus.
And I know my hair looks witchy-weird (it actually was performing really well, but you can't tell from this picture. *sigh*)
But in spite of all that, I love it.
I love that we were caught by our neighbor practicing our salsa dancing on the front lawn.
("Those Darbys are at it again!")
I love the look on my husband's face that totally shows how much fun wewere already having as we prepared to go to the Cuban Festival
I love it because it so perfectly captures us and our perfectly imperfect life.
(Oh yeah. I'm sooo framing it. =D)
Ody from Miami Lakes says
You captured the moment and we can sense the heart of the photo.
Amanda says
I love it, it’s so….you! =)
George says
Marta, you have totally Cubanized your So Cal surfer husband!!!…You have him dancing salsa, wearing guayaberas, and eating Cuban food!Can he speak Spanish like a Cuban?…;)
BFF says
Don’t say it is out of focus, say you planned it that way, an artsy photo. There are apps that do that on my iphone!!!!!