She still dyes her hair and wears makeup every day.
She only wears her glasses for reading because she's a little vain about her looks.
She remembers everyone's birthday.
If you're sick, she'll call you every day until you report that you are well.
She saves every card from every birthday, Mother's Day and Christmas and works diligently to get them pasted into her latest scrapbook.
She remembers the names of the grandchildren of her next door neighbors from 20 years ago.
She hates missing stuff.
She still wears heels when she dresses up.
She's still very bossy. (the acorn does not fall far…)
She still likes juicy bits of gossip.
She still reads voraciously, sometimes juggling 3 or 4 books at a time.
She has never missed a World Series.
She has voted in every presidential election since she became an American citizen in 1974.
She has an amazing memory.
We got her a fur coat for Christmas because she really wanted one. Now she wants us to take her places where she can wear it so she can show it off.
She thinks all of her sixteen grandchildren are nice looking, but if pressed she'll tell you (with a wink) that her own six children are much better looking.
She knows about blogging and the internets, but refers to Google and Yahoo as "Cuco and Yayo." (Isn't that deliciously Cuban??)
Today my mom, Luz Verdés y Perez-Puelles celebrates her 95th birthday.
I am truly grateful and blessed to have been raised by this amazing person. She is the life-force of my big, fat, Cuban family.
(The party is at my house next weekend. She thinks she might like to try Karaoke…..)
Dear Marta,What a wonderful blessing it is to still have your mom so healthy and vital! God bless her. I miss my own mom terribly, and not a day goes by that I don’t think of her and need her advice. Your mom has reaped what she has sown — a close and loving family. Felicidades Luz en tu dia!
Maria Eugenia
She’s lovely. Wishing Senora Luz continued health, happiness and a wonderful birthday.
Muchas Felicidades querida Luz!!!!What a wonderful legacy this woman has.
Me la saludas….Felicidades!Jorge
Fun fact:She was born on a Monday. =D
Felicidades, Senora! Truly a Proverbs 31 woman:25 She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.
26 She speaks with wisdom,
and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
27 She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.
28 Her children arise and call her blessed.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY & God bless your Big Fat Cuban Family. 🙂
Feliz Cumpleanos!!!You are amazing!
No wonder your children and grandchildren rise up and call you blessed!
Happy Birthday Abuela!
Happy Birthday!!!I can bring the karaoke machine if you don’t have one. Guess I’d need to be in CA first!
Have a blast!
Ay yay yay! What a tremdous woman. Happy birthday to your Mami and may she enjoy karaoke!
Feliz cumpleanos Luz, que Dios te bendiga.xoxo
Que bendicion!Dogna Luz, deseandole salud, serenidad y muchos mas momentos alegres con todos sus seres queridos y amistades. Que Dios la bendiga en su dia!
Happy Birthday! 🙂 Melek
“Una bella ancianidad es, ordinariamente, la recompensa de una bella vida.” ~ Pitágoras de Samos
god bless luz!
Luz, what a perfect name for her.Feliz Dia, senora Luz del Cucu y Yayo.
Que dios la bendiga.She is amazing.
Super late…I know.. She seems like a awesome woman..I would love to have my mamita with me today. Your a blessed woman, cherish every moment…que dios te la bendiga!!