There I was, minding my own business, when I received an email with the subject line reading:
British TV Programme.
My spam filter did not strain it, and even though I didn't recognize the name of the sender, I was intrigued and opened it anyway.
It was from the producer of a TV Series for a Celebrity Chef from the UK who is looking to visit 8 states in America to "….explore the food, culture and community there."
I'm not really sure if I'm allowed to say anything about this, and just in case it's supposed to be Top Secret I won't mention his real name here, but let's just say it rhymes with Ramie Toliver.
How adorable is he-who-shall-remain-nameless-for-the-moment?
This producer for umm….. Bamie Moliver was interested in maybe doing a story about Cuban food and was wondering if I could help point her in the right direction.
So, we exchanged a few emails where I suggested Florida (duh!), New York and California. She told me that umm…. Mamie Doliver was hoping to come to California to focus on…. wait for it…..
CUBAN FOOD! (I know! Shut up!)
A portion of one of her emails reads as follows:
"I am looking to explore the Hispanic community and also find a story based around Cuban food and an interesting character that can help us do this. Jamie's (oops!) programmes look at food within a social context and the Cuban food story within LA would be an interesting one to consider.
We are wanting to move away from big restaurants and get in with real people within the community who can show Jamie (oops, again!) the reality of life and not just a tourist's perspective.
Any thoughts, please do let me know."
(emphasis mine.)
So, I did what any self-respecting Cuban cook would do in a case like this, I invited Celebrity Chef umm…. Pamie Foliver over to my house to enjoy a meal with my big, fat, Cuban family. =D
The producer's reply (read with a British accent):
"That could be fun! and certainly something I will think about, although we will probably be full on in LA and might not have the time to come down, anyway, will have a think."
Hear that, kids? Jamie Oliver I mean, Kamie Woliver (be still, my wildly-beating Cuban heart) may be coming to my house for a Cuban meal!
Okay, so I know it's not definite, but still…. I guess I'll have to "have a think" about what to serve if he is able to make it.
Any suggestions?
(I didn't give anything away, did I?) ๐
Speaking of Cuban food…
Have I mentioned that I make a mean Arroz con Leche? (Cuban Rice Pudding)
Come check out that recipe today (after 11am Eastern) on Babalรบ blog.
jsb says
This cook sounds…familiar. Hmmm…
mario says
Aha!!! I’m glad I’m up late like a vampire so I can be the FIRST to comment on this! Here’s your portal to get your own show!! Just like I said! LOL. Work it, lady! Woohoo!That being said, I cannot look at this recipe because Mami makes the best rice pudding known to mankind and I feel like I would be cheating. Okay, maybe a peek.
Nathan says
That’s great, but “Cuban” food in L.A.? There’s not much of it here we don’t have a large Cuban community he should try Florida.The Hispanic food of California that is more main stream is “Mexican” food because we have such a large community of Mexicans and Central Americans here. (Well L.A. county)
Nathan says
Oh yeah by the way WONDERFUL RECIPE FOR ARROZ CON LECHE! ๐ The Cuban version is the best (using the short-grain rice, lemon or lime, cinnamon, evaporated milk, condensed milk is what makes teh Cuban version SOOOOO GOOOD!)
Kikucha says
Mario,I didn’t realize vampiros ate rice pudding . . .
Susan says
Shut. Up. O.M.G.! I live in the UK so this is especially amazing. Here it can be all ‘Tamie’ all the time. He just launched his own magazine and product line (the product line is JME–cute, eh?). He is, or has, an incredible marketing guru. He is also starting a chain of Italian restaurants. First one, about a mile from our house here in Oxford. I know. (But have we been yet? no….) He has more upmarket restaurants in London. He’s also put his name on dinnerware and cookware from other brands. He took on school dinners (as they call the cooked lunch at schools here) and then a reality series called ‘Anyone can cook’ (or something like that) where he took people who had never cooked (living on fast food and microwave food) and taught them the basics. I could go on and on. But I didn’t know he was known in the US too. Jeesh.Anyway, hope you at least get to see him and give him the cookbook!
I wonder if Eric’s website optimization had a part to play in this — if you Google ‘Cuban-American food’, do you come at the top of the Google pile? he he he! More likely, he just asked, ‘Who is the expert in Cuban-American food?’ and time and time again, your name came up! ๐ And I bet you none of those people had to ‘have a think’ about it!
Amanda says
I suggest sending her and Kamie Foliver a copy of her cookbook as a tease.
Chantel says
Ack! Marta, this is wonderful!!! That Wamie Volliver is too, too cute. First Desi Jr., now this? Certainly, Andy will be next…
Lory Palau says
OMG!! This is sooo exciting…you can certainly teach Namie Holiver a thing, or two, about cooking Cuban food!! If he is able to make it to your house, I sooo hope he does, don’t worry about what you’ll make. You are the best and anything you make for him, he will think it’s totally AWESOME!! Good Luck!!!
ody from Miami Lakeso says
WOW!!!! This is so wonderful!!!! You are so amazing and you deserve this!!! Anything you cook will be just fine. I see an e-mail from Andy’s wife coming your way. ;-)I have an old family recipe for Arroz con Leche that has a slight taste of Anis in it. My husband’s grandmother would cook it with Anis seeds and than
strain it. But that’s a secret. Don’t share it. I might be disowned from the family. ๐
George says
Marta,If you need any Cuban extras to fill the table, I’ll make the sacrifice!….Good luck!
mario says
Ody, my mom does star anis and canela sticks and then strains them out.Marta, I’m still really stoked that you may get this groovy opportunity to spread our culture!
ody from Miami Lakeso says
Mario, it must be a Cuban thing to add Anis. I had never heard of that before I met my husband’s grandmother. I love Anis. I often drive to the Home Depot in Hialeah to find the Granizado Cart and get a granizado de Anis. And that reminds me….did you know that NightQuil tastes like Anis. Mmmm…. ;-)I discovered that recently when I was sick with a bad cold. Okay, okay, too much information and digressed… ๐
class factotum says
Omigosh!!! This could be your Big Break! I am so excited for you!!!!!
jana says
You crack me up!
mario says
Forgive me Marta for I have cheated…on Facebook. It’s Kikucha’s (formerly known as Kikita) fault. And Ody’s too.And mine (crosses self).
ody from Miami Lakeso says
Yes, Marti, please forgive us.After all, I did respond to Mario from here, but did
ask him if he had read my comment about the Anise through facebook. So the converstation continued over there. It won’t happen again. LOL!!!! ;-D
ody from Miami Lakeso says
The server got stuck for a realy long time and I ended up sending it three times!!!!Ahora si que la hize!!!!! ;-(
Susan says
I’ve looked everywhere here for anise seed for a recipe of Mike’s from a Napa Valley cookbook for coconut macadamia nut biscotti. Killer! Great with a cafecito….mmmmm! We ran out of anise seed, but can’t find it anywhere.But I did manage to run across today in a second hand bookshop a copy of ‘Jamie at Home: Cook Your Way to the Good Life.’ Just saw it in the window and had to get it. Sounds a lot like your cookbook, Marta, in that it features some stories (mostly on how he grows certain fruits and vegetables–that sort of thing) interwoven with recipes. And even the title sounds Cuban! ๐
ody from Miami Lakeso says
Susan,Try getting here:
They’ll sent it to you.
Marta Darby says
Mario & Ody,All is forgiven. Even though I’m not on Facebook, I have my own personal (ahem) chismosa there. ๐
Ody, I delete the duplicated comments. It’s a Cuban OCD thing. LOL
(you guys crack me up)
Marta Darby says
BTW,Anise reminds me too much of Nyquil (which is why I never use it). No me hace feliz. =(
Genesis says
Wow! That is really cool. I hope you do get a chance to meet, um, Hamie Soliver.It was great to see you yesterday! Love to you and your family.
Sheila says
Mami, this is awesome. I’m hoping and praying it comes to pass. You totally deserve the recognition.
Mica says
Estas acabando…I think you need to hire an agent or a publicist or something!!Ok, he is an earthy guy so nothing fancy, but not too ordinary either. How about…tamal en cazuela, ropa vieja or my favorite boliche? A nice Red Snapper stuffed with peppers and onions broiled in the oven sounds nice too. Torrejas for dessert or tocino del cielo, wow I am getting hungry.
good luck and keep us posted.
mario says
Tocino del Cielo? Sounds intriguing. Marta, que es eso?
Claudia Fanelli says
That is so cool!!But why is he eating on the floor?
Mailyn says
Candela!!!La cocinera Darby si que se esta haciendo famosa. Congratulations, Marta! That is SO a great news!!!You’ll do great and you’ll love and you’ll rock at it and Cuban food will be soooo well served.Felicidades!
Mailyn says
BTW, we need the recipe for the tocinillo del cielo,like, pronto! Long, long, long time ago, in an island far, far, far away, I saw it used to be served with vainilla ice cream and called “Copa Lolita”…. just sharing…