The following post has been written for your reading pleasure by none other than Kikita.
At this point, I expect you all know of my dear friend Sheila and have figured out that I spend a whole lot of time with her, which is why she is always in my blog stories, but that's not important right now.
All through our many adventures in the month of December, I kept telling her she needed a Christmas tree. But she would complain about the hassle and what's the point? and why?
I'm telling you. All month. "Sheila, you need a tree."
When we saw the giant tree at Fashion Island is when I think I started to gain some ground . . .
So I took her to Target and we started talking about how a tree is a very personal thing. How your tree is an expression of yourself. I told her about how when I was little, we used to put our tree up Christmas Eve and then keep it up until the 3 Kings came on January 6th. Which led us into a talk about the 12 Days of Christmas, which led to our theme song for this past Christmas (that was introduced to me by Marc Masferrer – thanks Marc!)
Somehow, I finally convinced her to buy a small, fake tree. We made an event of the decorating (two days before Christmas) with music and hot apple cider . . . the works.
Sheila was very pleased. She had a blast decorating the tree. And it DID come out looking adorable.
But now . . .
Sheila says
Kikita told me about taking down the tree on Jan. 6th during the decorating event. In my defense, 1- This IS my first tree so you can only imagine the excitement (I’ve actually added decorations since the photo was taken)2-Most people put their tree up right after Thanksgiving so get over a month of enjoyment. Mine didn’t go up until 2 days before Christmas so in order to get the same amount of enjoyment, technically, I should be able to keep it up until the beginning of Feb.Mario and George, muchas gracias for your support in this 😉
ody from Miami Lakeso says
Kikita, This post was great. I love “Straight No Chaser”. Thanks for introducing them.
Marta Darby says
Sheila,Now that you know about Christmas trees, you should really learn the take-your-tree-down-by-January-6th rule. *sigh*
ody from Miami Lakeso says
We put up our Christmas Tree right after Thanksgiving. If not that weekend the weekend afterwards and take it down right after January 6th. That’s what I’ve always been taught. I figured while growing up that my family and friends thought it’s a lot of work decorating the house and tree for just two week worth. Is this another way that us Cuban’s exaggerate everything?!?!?!?!?! Now that I think about it, people around here decorate for Halloween on Oct. 1st. What’s happening?!!! I think we just like to be in a festive mood all month long. 😉
mario says
I once left a Chrsitmas tree up for a year and a half. Why not? It was purty! Go, Sheila!!
George says
Kikita,Don’t be too hard on Sheila. I have yet to put our fake tree away in the garage. We have only taken down the ornaments. And, I still have the lights up outside.
This weekend hopefully I’ll get to it!
Amanda says
Sheila, I support you too. You should keep it up as long as it makes you happy.If I could, I would keep mine up all year! Almost did…just took mine down yesterday! LOL
Billy says
Sheila,I’m with Amy and Marta on this one. Twelfth night has passed. Regardless of when you put it up, you’re only other option is to decorate it for Mardi Gras, but that might just confuse people on the West Coast. We put a tree up on Christmas Eve at my parents’ house and then took it down on January 6th. Time to let it go before the bad luck sets in…
Love ya! 🙂
Sheila says
Amanda, you rock on numerous levels! Billy, what’s up the negativity? I expected you of all people so be supportive. Sigh…..
Billy says
LOL. Keep the tree up all ready!! I’ll send you some beads as gris gris against the bad luck you bring upon yourself!
Sheila says
Billy, this means I can keep my tree well into February. I’m beyond pleased. Yes, it will be a Mardi Gras Tree. Wait…this is giving me ideas….isn’t St. Patrick’s Day in March? Hmmmm…….