Kikita here.
A few years ago Mami started a new tradition with Lucy and me. Every December we would go to the theater. We've seen "White Christmas", and the musical version of "It's a Wonderful Life" just to name a few.
So this year Mami asked me if I'd be interested in seeing "Jesus Christ Superstar." I didn't even try to pretend to be excited. I had tried to watch the movie some years ago and never could get into it. While I was trying to politely decline, I found that "Cats" was going to be playing nearby and suggested we do that instead. I told her that Lucy would probably enjoy that one more anyway because she loves cats so much AND she loves the movie. I also held that "Cats" was Andrew Lloyd Weber's most famous show . . . (no, not necessarily true, but I was trying to win).
I'm really not sure where the breakdown happened . . .
I could have sworn that after our conversation, I had won and we had decided to see "Cats" and just needed to wait until the tickets went on sale. A couple of weeks went by and I bought the tickets and I forgot about them (hey, I've been busy). My memory was jogged when Mami and I were reviewing our video-making schedule and she said, "We need to keep that day open for Jesus Christ Superstar."
Ummm . . . Mami, I bought tickets for "Cats."
Mami bought tickets for "Jesus Christ Superstar." (Thus, the situation was automatically entered into the Cucufate Olympics.)
To tell you the truth, I was prepared for the worst. I decided that I would suck it up and tolerate the first show and then Lucy and I could enjoy the REAL show a few days later.
Poor Lucy was stuck in the middle of an Andrew Lloyd Weber war . . .
That is, until I saw "Jesus Christ Superstar" with Ted Neeley (the guy who played Jesus in the 1973 film).
I LOVED it. I publicly admit that I was VERY dubious and that I was VERY wrong (hopefully, Jesus will forgive me). 😉
Honestly, found that while I was watching "Magical Mr. Mistoffeles" I kept thinking "Ho-sanna! Hay-sanna! Sanna! Sanna! Ho!"
But please, "Don't you get me wrong . . . don't you get me wrong now . . . " I am happy we got to see them both, it's just that next year I'm going to have a little more "faith" in Mami. =D
A little Trivia: Yvonne Elliman was in the original Jesus Christ Superstar.Remember her hit in the 70s?…..See