Yes, of course it's me, Kikita. Who else would be accidental in their coolness? =D
Now that I've turned 25, I swear something is different about me. I spent 25 years saying, "This is not my real life," because my life really is a novela and I always find myself in "movie-like" situations (Meaning: "If I saw this in a movie, I would not believe it could happen in real life"), but I have finally come to terms with this and now embrace my novela/movie-like life.
So when a girlfriend of mine who lives in L.A. calls and invites me to go wine tasting with her on a Tuesday evening, I didn't hesitate.
A few disclaimers: I am really not that into wine and have never been interested in "going wine tasting." The only reason I so readily agreed was because I rarely see this friend, and am still trying to get to know her better, and because I did not mind the activity so long as I could enjoy her fabulous company.
So she emailed me a link to the event and said all I had to do was buy my ticket and meet her there. Fair enough. I got the link and was buying my ticket when I found that this event I was going to was a fundraiser for Women's Cancer Research. AND it was Argentinian wines so you know what that means . . . there will be Argentinos there!
As I pulled into the parking lot of the Skirball Cultural Center I was already starting to feel very cool . . .
I mean, I was at a fundraiser. In L.A. Tasting wine. Does it get any cooler than that?
I must confess, I had NO IDEA what I was doing. And when my friend called to tell me she was running late I was TOTALLY freaked out.
I kept wondering, "Where is that confidence I'm so known for?"
The answer I gave myself was, "I'm surrounded by wine and I'm a cute blond so how hard could this be?"
Let me tell you, it was not hard at all.
I started by walking by each table and just people watching. It was fascinating. Finally I started tasting. I know I didn't do it right, but I had been watching, not everyone was doing the "swirl and smell" technique so I elected not to. I would let people explain things to me that meant nothing to my world . . . like how this one was aged in oak barrels and this one was in steel and this has a fuller body while this was . . . it all became a blur.
Until I found The Empanada Man. He brought three kinds of empanadas with him: pollo, carne, & espinaca (chicken, beef, & spinach). As I had with the wine, I started slowly.
Just one empanada de pollo please.
Ahora una de carne por favor.
Otra de pollo . . . (I couldn't help it, they were DELICIOUS!)
When my friend finally arrived and it was like starting the whole evening over again, but this time I had a pro by my side so I learned so much more! And then I told her about my favorite table – The Empanada Man.
THIS time he introduced himself and then said, "Eres Cubana, verdad?"
We were surrounded by Argentinos, so HOW DID HE KNOW?!?!
Did I really care how he knew? Not at all. All that mattered was that a non-Cuban at a non-Cuban event actually thought I was Cuban (instead of just some blond girl who could speak Spanish).
GLOWING, I told him he was right.
I was a Cuban at an Argentinian Wine Tasting Fundraiser for Women's Cancer Programs in LA.
If you saw that in a movie, would you believe it?
I feel SO accidentally cool.
You are so cool Kikita!!!!! And you did better than I did. My first wine tasting experience was on a cruise and we didn’t know we had to spit the wine out!!! LOL!!!! Let’s just say it wasn’t a pretty sight. I thought, how bad can this be, they only require you to take a sip. Yea right, after 20 sips, and then finding out why the bowl is in the middle of the table, we got up and walked away very slowly. LOL!!!!Glad you enjoyed your friend, wine and empanadas!!!!
Kikita, tu eres pura Cubanita!Hey, how is that Empanada place in Lake Forest?…Any good?
George,Gracias! As much as I loved the empanadas, they were on the spicier side because of the whole Argentinian thing. Since Mami hasn’t posted a recipe for them yet, you should definitely try the place. =D
Does that help?
Thanks Kikita. I will try it one day. You know how the OC is … Too many chain restaurants like El Pollo Loco, etc. L.A. is a lot better when it comes to food diversity. So, a unique place like the Argentinian Empenada place in the OC piques my interests.
Hey there-Ironically enough, I just sent your mama an e-mail yesterday about wearing the apron I won to make Cuban Food and Argentine Empanadas (yes, on the same day). And they weren’t at all spicy and I made them with ground turkey…so so yummy. I can give you the recipe if you’d like.
Elizabeth,Are you kidding!?! THAT is so accidentally cool!
I would love the recipe!
[email protected]
Or you can just send it to Mami and I can have her pass it on. 🙂
Thank you!
I know what you mean. Did you ever try the empanada place that was at The Block a while back? I always meant to and then it wasn’t there anymore . . .
The emplanada place at the Block … I don’t think so.Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask, what is Cucafate?…I saw it in one of your videos. What does it mean?…Is it a Cuban thing?
George,That’s not important right now. 😉
Actually, I can’t believe we haven’t told the story yet. I will work on posting the explanation soon. =D