It's officially SUMMER (!) for the Darbys and we're on vacation for the rest of the week. I will have the laptop and I may or may not be inspired to blog. See there? I have this total "Don't mess with me - I'm on vacation" vibe happening already (but that's not important right now). I leave you (and my house and ...
Archives for June 2008
The White Picket Fence – Part Deux
If you've ever done any kind of home improvements, you know that it's like knocking down the first in a long line of dominoes. It's the same wedding-invitation-logic that says if you invite so and so, you must invite the next person and so on and so on. In this case it started with the picket fence. (which I absolutely LOVE, but ...
Out of the shadows
As I walk up to my bedroom each evening, I am greeted by these:And I always stop and look at each one. Always. Every night.Because I don't want to forget. It's probably as a result of some unresolved childhood trauma (that whole Fleeing-the-Communist-Homeland thing, but that's not important right now.) I remember that she liked for ...
No more pencils. No more books. No more…..Oh, wait…
Our school year is officially over. (Yay!!) As the teacher around here it's a huge relief for me to have all paperwork done and not have to think about lesson plans and inspiring young minds and all of that for the next few months. And at least for the next few months I also don't have to hear the questions from "concerned" ...
2 families. 1 house. 70 years. 3000 miles.
Who are these people? They are my friend (from Babalu blog), Val's grandparents.Why is that important right now?Umm.... well, I get very emotional when I talk about this.So just read the story here in Val's own words. WARNING: Get Kleenex first. ...
I only have eyes for you
It's the end of the school year and that means finals and high school musical productions. The past few days have been a blur of rehearsals, costumes and cast parties. In this case, Lucy's High School Theater Arts class put on a really fun show with musical scene selections from various Broadway musicals which they called Broadway Rocks! ...
Why it’s hip to be Cuban in So Cal this month
If I am surrounded by Cuban people, food, and music, you can bet that I'm probably with my big, fat, Cuban family or that I'm back in Miami. So imagine my absolute delight to find myself in this situation yesterday in Laguna Beach (practically in my own backyard, but that's not important right now) and (wait for it,Theater ...
It’s just not going to happen today. (sigh)
I have spent an hour (!) trying to compose a post and when I went to save it, TypePad ate it alive. (Yes, I think that was an actual burp coming from my monitor!) I am taking it as A Sign From God that I should be resting and getting myself ready for church instead. Again, I'm not superstitious or anything..... just being prudent. ;-) And ...