I have spent an hour (!) trying to compose a post and when I went to save it, TypePad ate it alive. (Yes, I think that was an actual burp coming from my monitor!) I am taking it as A Sign From God that I should be resting and getting myself ready for church instead.
Again, I'm not superstitious or anything….. just being prudent. 😉
And because I never write a blog post without adding photos, here's what I was going to write about….
Maybe we can just do a caption contest or something. Your thoughts?
Pam says
No jewelry, short nails, possibly nail biting. How about “wash your hands, please”
Kristen Benson says
Reminds me of the game of Slap Jack. Maybe name that hand? Robert would be able to come up with something clever, but alas he isn’t home to help…XOXO,
Marta says
How about: “Hands Down, the WORST POST EVER”?? =D
Mercedes says
How about “Let’s have a “show” of hands?
Kikita says
“THESE are Spirit Fingers!”
Claudia says